Codebase list r-cran-lavasearch2 / 3c071ae7-2d2e-49f4-809b-f928f43a89ad/main DESCRIPTION

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DESCRIPTION @3c071ae7-2d2e-49f4-809b-f928f43a89ad/mainraw · history · blame

Package: lavaSearch2
Type: Package
Title: Tools for Model Specification in the Latent Variable Framework
Version: 1.5.6
Date: 2020-07-31
Authors@R: c(
    person("Brice", "Ozenne", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-9694-2956"))
Description: Tools for model specification in the latent variable framework
    (add-on to the 'lava' package). The package contains three main functionalities:
    Wald tests/F-tests with improved control of the type 1 error in small samples,
    adjustment for multiple comparisons when searching for local dependencies,
    and adjustment for multiple comparisons when doing inference for multiple latent variable models. 
License: GPL-3
VignetteBuilder: R.rsp
Depends: R (>= 2.10), ggplot2, lava (>= 1.6.4)
Imports: doParallel, MASS, Matrix, methods, multcomp, mvtnorm, nlme,
        parallel, Rcpp, reshape2, sandwich, stats, utils
Suggests: data.table, foreach, lme4, lmerTest, numDeriv, pbapply,
        pbkrtest, R.rsp, riskRegression, survival, testthat
LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
NeedsCompilation: yes
RoxygenNote: 7.1.1
Packaged: 2020-07-31 08:52:28.416 UTC; hpl802
Author: Brice Ozenne [aut, cre] (<>)
Maintainer: Brice Ozenne <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2020-07-31 09:40:02 UTC