Codebase list r-cran-tigger / fresh-snapshots/main

Tree @fresh-snapshots/main (Download .tar.gz) @fresh-snapshots/mainraw · history · blame

Version 1.0.1:  September 19, 2022

New Features:

+ Added the `pos_range_max` argument to `findNovelAlleles` and `plotNovel`. With
  `pos_range_max`, TIgGER takes into account the position in which the V sequence
   alignment ends based on the aligner (usually `pos_range_max="v_germline_end"`). 
   With `pos_range_max=NULL`, mutation count uses all nucleotides in the IMGT V 
   region. This means that when the V is trimmed on the 3', TIgGER includes in 
   the mutation count nucleotides from the CDR3.

Bug Fixes:

+ Updated the error check in `positionMutations` to check for both empty GERM_NT 
  positions and absence of IMGT gaps in the germline. Before, gapped germlines 
  of less than 312 positions ( IGHV4-31*09, 311 positions) would have empty 
  GERM_NT positions, and the function would stop with an error message
  'Check you are using gapped reference germlines'.
+ Fixed bug in `selectNovel` where `keep_alleles=T` would not keep different alleles 
  leading to the same novel sequence.
+ Fixed bug `genotypeFasta` where it wouldn't find duplicate genes.

+ Replaced error message with warning in function getMutatedAA, to allow for
  germlines with N (e.g. IGHV1-45*01)
+ To identify the closest reference, the `generateEvidence` function will only
  consider reference germlines belonging to the same gene segment. This is to
  avoid an error when the user provides VDJ references, not just V.

Version 1.0.0:  May 12, 2020

Backwards Incompatible Changes:

+ Changed default expected data format from the Change-O data format to the
  AIRR Rearrangement standard. For example, where functions used the column 
  name `V_CALL` (Change-O) as the default to identify the field that stored 
  the V gene calls, they now use `v_call` (AIRR). Scripts that relied on 
  default values (previously, `v_call="V_CALL"`), will now fail if calls to the 
  functions are not updated to reflect the correct value for the data. If data 
  are in the Change-O format, the current default value `v_call="v_call"` will 
  fail to identify the column with the V gene calls as the column `v_call` 
  doesn't exist. In this case, `v_call="V_CALL"` needs to be specified in 
  the function call.
+ For consistency with the style of the new data format default, field names in
  all other user exposed data structures have been updated to use the same font 
  case style. e.g, the column names of the results of `findNovelAlleles` are now 
  using lower case (`germline_call`, not `GERMLINE_CALL`)


+ License changed to AGPL-3.
+ Added AIRR formatted example data `AIRRDb`.
+ Updated dependencies to R >= 3.5.0, ggplot2 >= 3.2.0, alakazam >= 1.0.0,
  shazam >= 1.0.0, and tidyr >=0.1.0.

Version 0.4.0 July 18, 2019


+ Upgraded to alakazam >= 0.3.0, shazam >= 0.2.0, dplyr >= 0.8.1 and ggplot2 >= 3.1.1

Bug Fixes:

+ Fixed bug in `sortAlleles` that was not sorting correctly TR gene names.
+ Fixed bug in `positionMutations` that was counting `.` as mutated position.

New Features:

+ Updated IGHV germline gene segment alleles in `GermlineIGHV` and moved
  old annotations to `SampleGermlineIGHV`.
+ Added the option to specify with arguments the names of the columns that
  contain V call (`v_call`), J call (`j_call`), sequence alignment (`seq`),
  junction (`junction`) and junction length (`junction_length`) in all functions
  that use this information.

Version 0.3.1 October 19, 2018

+ Fixed a fatal error in `reassignAlleles` with non-existent `v_call` column.
+ Fixed bug in `generateEvidence` that was reporting amino acids mutations as 
  NA instead of gaps.
Version 0.3.0 October 3, 2018

Bug Fixes:

+ Fixed a bug in `reassignAlleles` occuring with single match genotypes.
+ Fixed `selectNovel` improperly removing all identical novel alleles, rather 
  than keeping a single entry.
+ `genotypeFasta` will now retain IMGT-numbering spacers as `.` characters
  instead of converting them to `-` characters.
+ Fixed a bug in `findNovelAlleles` causing overly aggressive minimum sequence 
  threshold filtering.
+ Fixed a bug in the grouping behavior of `getPopularMutationCount`.
New Features:

+ Added a Bayesian approach to genotype inferrence as the 
  `inferGenotypeBayesian` function.
+ Added the function `generateEvidence` to build a complete evidence table
  from the results of `findNovelAlleles`, `inferGenotype`, 
  `inferGenotypeBayesian`, and `reassignAlleles`.
+ Added multiple new evidence columns to the output of `findNovelAlleles`
  and adjusted the definitions/names of some existing columns.
+ Added behavior to the `keep_gene` argument of `reassignAlleles` to provide
  options for maintaining reassignments at the gene (previous `TRUE` behavior), 
  family, or repertoire level.
+ Improved tie resolution in `findNovelAlleles`.
Backwards Incompatible Refactors:

+ Renamed sample data from `germline_ighv`, `sample_db`, `genotype` and 
  `novel_df` to `GermlineIGHV`, `SampleDb`, `SampleGenotype` and `SampleNovel`,
+ Renamed the `novel_df` argument to `novel` in `selectNovel`, `inferGenotype`,
  and `genotypeFasta`.
+ Renamed the `novel_df_row` argument to `novel_row` in `plotNovel`.
+ Argument order in `inferGenotype` was alter for clarity.
+ Changed the return behavior of `reassignAlleles` so that it returns the 
  input data.frame with the `V_CALL_GENOTYPED` column appended or overwritten.
+ `cleanSeqs` will no longer replace `.` characters with `-`.
+ Renamed `clip_db` to `data` in `findNovelAlleles`, `plotNovel`, 
  `inferGenotype` and `reassignAlleles`.

Version 0.2.11 September 21, 2017

+ Improved memory utilization in `findNovelAlleles`.

Version 0.2.10 July 1, 2017

+ Bugfix wherein `inferGenotype` would break when performing check for alleles
  that could not be distinguished.

Version May 16, 2017

+ Bugfix wherein `inferGenotype` would break if all sequences submitted were
  from a single gene and `find_unmutated` was set to `TRUE`.

Version 0.2.9: March 24, 2017

+ License changed to Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
(CC BY-SA 4.0).

Version 0.2.8: August 26, 2016

+ Bugfix following recent update of alakazam (0.2.5) to import selectively.
+ Removed unneeded dependency on shazam package (not needed as of

Version 0.2.7:  July 24, 2016

+ More updates to work with the latest version of dplyr (0.5.0).
+ Bugfix in findNovelAlleles when allele passed germline_min but not min_seqs.
+ Fixed vignette typo and updated findUnmutatedCalls man page.

Version 0.2.6:  July 01, 2016

+ Updated code to work with the latest version of dplyr (0.5.0).

Version  June 10, 2016

+ Fixed a bug werein `findNovelAlleles()` was not running in parallel, even 
  when `nproc` > 1.
+ Changed default to `nproc=1` in `findNovelAlleles()`.

Version 0.2.5:  June 07, 2016

+ Initial CRAN release.