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/** \mainpage notitle

\section Introduction

ReadOSM is a C open source library to extract valid data from within an Open
Street Map input file. Such OSM files come in two different formats:
 - files identified by the <b>.osm</b> suffix simply are plain XML files.
 - files identified by the <b>.pbf</b> suffix contain the same 
    data, but adopting the Google's Protocol Buffer serialization format (a
   more concise and compressed binary notation, thus requiring much less
   storage space).

The ReadOSM design goals are:
 - to be simple and lightweight
 - to be stable, robust and efficient
 - to be easily and universally portable.
 - making the whole parsing process of both .osm or .pbf files 
   completely transparent from the application own perspective.

ReadOSM is structurally simple and quite light-weight (typically about 20K of object
code, stripped). ReadOSM has only two key dependencies:
 - zlib (the well known ZIP library), which is used to decompress zipped binary
   blocks internally stored within .pbf files.
 - expat (a widely used XML parsing library), which is used to parse XML .osm files.
 - both libraries are widely available on many platforms.

Building and installing ReadOSM is straightforward:
make install

Linking ReadOSM to your own code is usually simple:
gcc my_program.c -o my_program -lreadosm

On some systems you may have to provide a slightly more complex arrangement:
gcc -I/usr/local/include my_program.c -o my_program \
  -L/usr/local/lib -lreadosm -lexpat -lz

ReadOSM also provides pkg-config support, so you can also do:
gcc `pkg-config --cflags readosm` my_program.c -o my_program `pkg-config --libs readosm`

I originally developed ReadOSM simply in order to allow the SpatiaLite's
own CLI tools to acquire both OSM .osm and .pbf files indifferently.
Anyway I feel that supporting OSM files import/parsing in a simple and easy
way could be useful to many other developers, so I quickly decided to
implement all this stuff as a self-standing library. 

ReadOSM is licensed under the MPL tri-license terms: you are free to choose the
best-fit license between:
 - the MPL 1.1 
 - the GPL v2.0 or any subsequent version
 - the LGPL v2.1  or any subsequent version

Enjoy, and happy coding

/** \page intro About Open Street Map datasets

Open Street Map aka \b OSM [] is a very popular 
community project aimed to produced a map of the world; this map is absolutely
free and is released under the ODbL license terms 

Selected portions [by Country / Region] of the OSM map are available on the
following download sites:

The best known format used to ship OSM datasets is based on XML; we'll
shortly examine the XML general layout so to explain the objects used
by the OSM data model and their mutual relationships.

\section Node

A Node simply corresponds to a 2D POINT Geometry; the geographic coordinates
are always expressed as Longitude and Latitude (corresponding to SRID 4326).<br>
A Node doesn't simply have a geometry; it's usually characterized by several data
- \b id: a number uniquely identifying each Node object.
- \b lon and \b lat: the geographic Longitude and Latitude of the Point.
- \b version: a progressive number identifying subsequent versions of the same object.
- \b changeset: a progressive number identifying a "changeset", i.e. a batch insert/update
performed by same user.
- \b user: nickname of the user committing the changeset.
- \b uid: a number uniquely identifying the user
- \b timestemp: commit date-time
- \b tag-list: any object may eventually be further qualified using arbitrary \b key:value pairs.

The following is the XML general layout used to represent a Node object:
<node id="12345" lat="6.66666" lon="7.77777" version="1" changeset="54321" user="some-user" uid="66" timestamp="2005-02-28T17:45:15Z">
	<tag key="created_by" value="JOSM" />
	<tag key="tourism" value="camp_site" />

\section Way

A Way corresponds to a 2D LINESTRING Geometry: anyway the vertices never are directly
defined within the Way itself; a list of indirectly referenced Nodes (<b>&lt;nd ref&gt;</b> items) is required instead.<br>
The data attributes characterizing a Way are more or less the same used for Nodes, and with identical meaning;
and for Ways too an arbitrary collection of Tags (\b key:value pairs) is supported.

The following is the XML general layout used to represent a Way object:
<way id="12345" version="1" changeset="54321" user="some-user" uid="66" timestamp="2005-02-28T17:45:15Z">
	<nd ref="12345" />
	<nd ref="12346" />
	<nd ref="12347" />
	<tag key="created_by" value="JOSM" />
	<tag key="tourism" value="camp_site" />

\section Relation

A Relation is a complex object: it can correspond to a 2D POLYGON, or to a 2D MULTILINESTRING, or even to a 2D GEOMETRYCOLLECTION.<br>
A Relation object can reference any other kind of OSM objects: each <b>&lt;member&gt;</b> item can address a Node object, 
a Way object or another Relation object; the \b type attribute will always specify the nature of the referenced object,
and the optional \b role attribute may eventually better specify the intended scope.<br>
The data attributes characterizing a Relation are exactly the same used for Ways, and with identical meaning;
and for Relations too an arbitrary collection of Tags (\b key:value pairs) is supported.

The following is the XML general layout used to represent a Relation object:
<relation id="12345" version="1" changeset="54321" user="some-user" uid="66" timestamp="2005-02-28T17:45:15Z">
	<member type="way" ref="12345" role="outer" />
	<member type="way" ref="12346" role="inner" />
	<tag key="created_by" value="JOSM" />
	<tag key="tourism" value="camp_site" />

/** \page formats Open Street Map file formats

There are two distinct formats used to ship OSM datasets: both contains the exact same
information, but the internal layout is radically different.

\section osm XML (.osm) files

OSM files based on the XML notation are widely used: usually they are identified by the <b>.osm</b> suffix.<br>
XML is notoriously verbose and usually requires lots of storage space; happily enough, XML it's strongly compressible.<br>
Accordingly to this consideration, the most commonly found OSM files are identified by the <b>.osm.bz2</b> suffix:
this practically means that the <b>.osm</b> (XML) file has been compressed using <b>bzip2</b>.
In order to actually process a <b>.osm.bz2</b> OSM file a two-steps approach is always required:
- decompressing the file (using <b>bunzip2</b> or some other tool)
- then parsing the resulting <b>.osm</b> file
- please note: the inflated file will require about 10/15 times the amount space required
  by the compressed file; many OSM XML files could actually be impressively huge (several GB).

\section pbf Protocol Buffer (.pbf) files

An alternative OSM file format is based on the Google's Protocol Buffer encoding 
This OSM format is based on a public and documented specification: []<br>

OSM files based on Protocol Buffer encoding are usually identified by the <b>.pbf</b> suffix.<br>
The main benefit coming from using <b>.pbf</b> files is in that they are much more compact
(smaller size) than the corresponding <b>.osm.bz2</b>; and they can be immediately parsed, no
preliminary decompression step being required at all.<br>

\section readosm Why using ReadOSM ?

The intended scope of <b>ReadOSM</b> is to allow transparent parsing of both OSM formats indifferently.
There is no need to take care of any internal low-level aspect, because the library itself silently handles any required step.
The simple and easy abstract interface implemented by ReadOSM is exactly intended so to allow many
reader-apps to consume OSM-input files in the most painless way; and all this requires only a
very limited memory footprint.


/** \page readosm ReadOSM basic architecture

ReadOSM implements a very simple and straightforward interface; there are only three methods:
- <b>readosm_open()</b>: this function is intended to establish a connection to some OSM input file.
- <b>readosm_close()</b>: this function is intended to terminate a previously established connection.
- <b>readosm_parse()</b>: a single function dispatching the whole parsing process (mainly based on <b>callback functions</b>).

Accordingly to the above premises, implementing a complete OSM parser is incredibly simple:

#include <readosm.h>

static int 
parse_node (const void *user_data, const readosm_node * node)
/* callback function consuming Node objects */
  struct some_user_defined_struct *my_struct =
    (struct some_user_defined_struct *) user_data;

  ... some smart code ...

  return READOSM_OK;

static int 
parse_way (const void *user_data, const readosm_way * way)
/* callback function consuming Way objects */
  struct some_user_defined_struct *my_struct =
    (struct some_user_defined_struct *) user_data;

  ... some smart code ...

  return READOSM_OK;

static int 
parse_relation (const void *user_data, const readosm_relation * relation)
/* callback function consuming Relation objects */
  struct some_user_defined_struct *my_struct =
    (struct some_user_defined_struct *) user_data;

  ... some smart code ...

  return READOSM_OK;

int main ()
/* the basic OSM parser implementation */
  int ret;
  const void *handle;
  struct some_user_defined_struct my_struct;

  ret = readosm_open ("path-to-some-OSM-file", &handle);

  ... error handling intentionally suppressed ...

  ret = readosm_parse (handle, &my_struct, parse_node, parse_way, parse_relation);

  ... error handling intentionally suppressed ...

  ret = readosm_close (handle);

  ... error handling intentionally suppressed ...

  return 0;

So the real programming work is simply the one required in order to implement the callback-functions own code.<br>
You can usefully read and study the <b>Examples</b> code-samples in order to get any other relevant information about this topic.
