Codebase list reparser / HEAD

Tree @HEAD (Download .tar.gz)


Simple regex-based lexer/parser for inline markup


- Python 3



    import re
    from pprint import pprint
    from reparser import Parser, Token, MatchGroup

    boundary_chars = r'\s`!()\[\]{{}};:\'".,<>?«»“”‘’*_~='
    b_left = r'(?:(?<=[' + boundary_chars + r'])|(?<=^))'  # Lookbehind
    b_right = r'(?:(?=[' + boundary_chars + r'])|(?=$))'   # Lookahead

    markdown_start = b_left + r'(?<!\\){tag}(?!\s)(?!{tag})'
    markdown_end = r'(?<!{tag})(?<!\s)(?<!\\){tag}' + b_right
    markdown_link = r'(?<!\\)\[(?P<link>.+?)\]\((?P<url>.+?)\)'
    newline = r'\n|\r\n'

    url_proto_regex = re.compile(r'(?i)^[a-z][\w-]+:/{1,3}')

    def markdown(tag):
        """Return sequence of start and end regex patterns for simple Markdown tag"""
        return (markdown_start.format(tag=tag), markdown_end.format(tag=tag))

    def url_complete(url):
        """If URL doesn't start with protocol, prepend it with http://"""
        return url if else 'http://' + url

    tokens = [
        Token('bi1',  *markdown(r'\*\*\*'), is_bold=True, is_italic=True),
        Token('bi2',  *markdown(r'___'),    is_bold=True, is_italic=True),
        Token('b1',   *markdown(r'\*\*'),   is_bold=True),
        Token('b2',   *markdown(r'__'),     is_bold=True),
        Token('i1',   *markdown(r'\*'),     is_italic=True),
        Token('i2',   *markdown(r'_'),      is_italic=True),
        Token('pre3', *markdown(r'```'),    skip=True),
        Token('pre2', *markdown(r'``'),     skip=True),
        Token('pre1', *markdown(r'`'),      skip=True),
        Token('s',    *markdown(r'~~'),     is_strikethrough=True),
        Token('u',    *markdown(r'=='),     is_underline=True),
        Token('link', markdown_link, text=MatchGroup('link'),
              link_target=MatchGroup('url', func=url_complete)),
        Token('br', newline, text='\n', segment_type="LINE_BREAK")

    parser = Parser(tokens)
    text = ('Hello **bold** world!\n'
            'You can **try *this* awesome** [link](')

    segments = parser.parse(text)
    pprint([(segment.text, segment.params) for segment in segments])


    [('Hello ', {}),
     ('bold', {'is_bold': True}),
     (' world!', {}),
     ('\n', {'segment_type': 'LINE_BREAK'}),
     ('You can ', {}),
     ('try ', {'is_bold': True}),
     ('this', {'is_bold': True, 'is_italic': True}),
     (' awesome', {'is_bold': True}),
     (' ', {}),
     ('link', {'link_target': ''}),
     ('.', {})]

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