Codebase list ruby-jekyll-toc / debian/0.14.0-1

Tree @debian/0.14.0-1 (Download .tar.gz)

# jekyll-toc

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## Table of Contents

- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
  - [1. Basic Usage](#1-basic-usage)
  - [2. Advanced Usage](#2-advanced-usage)
- [Generated HTML](#generated-html)
- [Default Configuration](#default-configuration)
- [Customization](#customization)
  - [TOC levels](#toc-levels)
  - [Skip TOC](#skip-toc)
  - [Skip TOC Section](#skip-toc-section)
  - [CSS Styling](#css-styling)
  - [Custom CSS Class](#custom-css-class)

## Installation

Add jekyll-toc plugin in your site's `Gemfile`, and run `bundle install`.

gem 'jekyll-toc'

Add jekyll-toc to the `gems:` section in your site's `_config.yml`.

  - jekyll-toc

Set `toc: true` in posts for which you want the TOC to appear.

layout: post
title: "Welcome to Jekyll!"
toc: true

## Usage

There are three Liquid filters, which can be applied to HTML content,
e.g. the Liquid variable `content` available in Jekyll's templates.

### 1. Basic Usage

#### `toc` filter

Add the `toc` filter to your site's `{{ content }}` (e.g. `_layouts/post.html`).

{{ content | toc }}

This filter places the TOC directly above the content.

### 2. Advanced Usage

If you'd like separated TOC and content, you can use `{% toc %}` tag (or `toc_only` filter) and `inject_anchors` filter.

#### `{% toc %}` tag

Generates the TOC itself as described [below](#generated-html).
Mostly useful in cases where the TOC should _not_ be placed immediately
above the content but at some other place of the page, i.e. an aside.

  <div id="table-of-contents">
    {% toc %}
  <div id="markdown-content">
    {{ content }}

:warning: **`{% toc %}` Tag Limitation**

`{% toc %}` can be available only in [Jekyll Posts]( and [Jekyll Collections]( If you'd like to use `{% toc %}` except posts or collections, please use `toc_only` filter as described below.

  <div id="table-of-contents">
    {{ content | toc_only }}
  <div id="markdown-content">
    {{ content | inject_anchors }}

#### `inject_anchors` filter

Injects HTML anchors into the content without actually outputting the TOC itself.
They are of the form:

<a class="anchor" href="#heading1-1" aria-hidden="true">
  <span class="octicon octicon-link"></span>

This is only useful when the TOC itself should be placed at some other
location with the `toc_only` filter.

## Generated HTML

jekyll-toc generates an unordered list. The HTML output is as follows.

<ul class="section-nav">
  <li class="toc-entry toc-h1"><a href="#heading1">Heading.1</a>
      <li class="toc-entry toc-h2"><a href="#heading1-1">Heading.1-1</a></li>
      <li class="toc-entry toc-h2"><a href="#heading1-2">Heading.1-2</a></li>
  <li class="toc-entry toc-h1"><a href="#heading2">Heading.2</a>
      <li class="toc-entry toc-h2"><a href="#heading2-1">Heading.2-1</a>
          <li class="toc-entry toc-h3"><a href="#heading2-1-1">Heading.2-1-1</a></li>
          <li class="toc-entry toc-h3"><a href="#heading2-1-2">Heading.2-1-2</a></li>
      <li class="toc-entry toc-h2"><a href="#heading2-2">Heading.2-2</a></li>


## Default Configuration 

  min_level: 1
  max_level: 6
  no_toc_section_class: no_toc_section
  list_class: section-nav
  sublist_class: ''
  item_class: toc-entry
  item_prefix: toc-

## Customization

### TOC levels

The toc levels can be configured on `_config.yml`:

  min_level: 2 # default: 1
  max_level: 5 # default: 6

The default level range is `<h1>` to `<h6>`.

### Skip TOC

The heading is ignored in the toc when you add `no_toc` to the class.

<h1 class="no_toc">This heading is ignored in the toc</h1>

### Skip TOC Section

The headings are ignored inside the element which has `no_toc_section` class.

<div class="no_toc_section">
  <h2>This heading is ignored in the toc</h2>
  <h3>This heading is ignored in the toc</h3>

Which would result in only the `<h1>` & `<h4>` within the example being included in the TOC.

The class can be configured on `_config.yml`:

  no_toc_section_class: exclude # default: no_toc_section

Configuring multiple classes for `no_toc_section_class` is allowed:

    - no_toc_section
    - exclude
    - your_custom_skip_class_name

### CSS Styling

The toc can be modified with CSS. The sample CSS is the following.

.section-nav {
  background-color: #fff;
  margin: 5px 0;
  padding: 10px 30px;
  border: 1px solid #e8e8e8;
  border-radius: 3px;


Each TOC `li` entry has two CSS classes for further styling. The general `toc-entry` is applied to all `li` elements in the `ul.section-nav`.

Depending on the heading level each specific entry refers to, it has a second CSS class `toc-XX`, where `XX` is the HTML heading tag name. For example, the TOC entry linking to a heading `<h1>...</h1>` (a single
`#` in Markdown) will get the CSS class `toc-h1`.

### Custom CSS Class

You can apply custom CSS classes to the generated `<ul>` and `<li>` tags.

  # Default is "section-nav":
  list_class: my-list-class
  # Default is no class for sublists:
  sublist_class: my-sublist-class
  # Default is "toc-entry":
  item_class: my-item-class
  # Default is "toc-":
  item_prefix: item-