Codebase list ruby-mail-room / upstream/0.8.1

Tree @upstream/0.8.1 (Download .tar.gz)

# mail_room #

mail_room is a configuration based process that will idle on IMAP connections and execute a delivery method when a new message is received. Examples of delivery methods include:

* POST to a delivery URL (Postback)
* Queue a job to Sidekiq or Que for later processing (Sidekiq or Que)
* Log the message or open with LetterOpener (Logger or LetterOpener)

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## Installation ##

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'mail_room'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install mail_room

You will also need to install `faraday` or `letter_opener` if you use the `postback` or `letter_opener` delivery methods, respectively.

## Usage ##

    mail_room -c /path/to/config.yml

**Note:** To ignore missing config file or missing `mailboxes` key, use `-q` or `--quiet`

## Configuration ##

    :email: ""
    :password: "password"
    :name: "inbox"
    :search_command: 'NEW'
      :delivery_url: "http://localhost:3000/inbox"
      :delivery_token: "abcdefg"
    :email: ""
    :password: "password"
    :name: "inbox"
    :delivery_method: postback
      :delivery_url: "http://localhost:3000/inbox"
      :delivery_token: "abcdefg"
    :email: ""
    :password: "password"
    :name: "inbox"
    :delivery_method: logger
      :log_path: "/var/log/user3-email.log"
    :email: ""
    :password: "password"
    :name: "inbox"
    :delivery_method: letter_opener
    :delete_after_delivery: true
      :location: "/tmp/user4-email"
    :email: ""
    :password: "password"
    :name: "inbox"
    :delivery_method: sidekiq
      :redis_url: redis://localhost:6379
      :worker: EmailReceiverWorker

## delivery_method ##

### postback ###

Requires `faraday` gem be installed.

*NOTE:* If you're using Ruby `>= 2.0`, you'll need to use Faraday from `>= 0.8.9`. Versions before this seem to have some weird behavior with `mail_room`.

The default delivery method, requires `delivery_url` and `delivery_token` in 

As the postback is essentially using your app as if it were an API endpoint, 
you may need to disable forgery protection as you would with a JSON API. In 
our case, the postback is plaintext, but the protection will still need to be 

### sidekiq ###

Deliver the message by pushing it onto the configured Sidekiq queue to be handled by a custom worker.

Requires `redis` gem to be installed.

Configured with `:delivery_method: sidekiq`.

Delivery options:
- **redis_url**: The Redis server to connect with. Use the same Redis URL that's used to configure Sidekiq.
  Required, defaults to `redis://localhost:6379`.
- **namespace**: The Redis namespace Sidekiq works under. Use the same Redis namespace that's used to configure Sidekiq.
- **queue**: The Sidekiq queue the job is pushed onto. Make sure Sidekiq actually reads off this queue.
  Required, defaults to `default`.
- **worker**: The worker class that will handle the message.

An example worker implementation looks like this:

class EmailReceiverWorker
  include Sidekiq::Worker

  def perform(message)
    mail =

    puts "New mail from #{mail.from.first}: #{mail.subject}"

### que ###

Deliver the message by pushing it onto the configured Que queue to be handled by a custom worker.

Requires `pg` gem to be installed.

Configured with `:delivery_method: que`.

Delivery options:
- **host**: The postgresql server host to connect with. Use the database you use with Que.
  Required, defaults to `localhost`.
- **port**: The postgresql server port to connect with. Use the database you use with Que.
  Required, defaults to `5432`.
- **database**: The postgresql database to use. Use the database you use with Que.
- **queue**: The Que queue the job is pushed onto. Make sure Que actually reads off this queue.
  Required, defaults to `default`.
- **job_class**: The worker class that will handle the message.
- **priority**: The priority you want this job to run at.
  Required, defaults to `100`, lowest Que default priority.

An example worker implementation looks like this:

class EmailReceiverJob < Que::Job
  def run(message)
    mail =

    puts "New mail from #{mail.from.first}: #{mail.subject}"

### logger ###

Configured with `:delivery_method: logger`.

If `:log_path:` is not provided, defaults to `STDOUT`

### noop ###

Configured with `:delivery_method: noop`.

Does nothing, like it says.

### letter_opener ###

Requires `letter_opener` gem be installed.

Configured with `:delivery_method: letter_opener`.

Uses Ryan Bates' excellent [letter_opener]( gem.

## Receiving `postback` in Rails ##

If you have a controller that you're sending to, with forgery protection
disabled, you can get the raw string of the email using ``.

I would recommend having the `mail` gem bundled and parse the email using

## idle_timeout ##

By default, the IDLE command will wait for 29 minutes (in order to keep the server connection happy).
If you'd prefer not to wait that long, you can pass `imap_timeout` in seconds for your mailbox configuration.

## Search Command ##

This setting allows configuration of the IMAP search command sent to the server. This still defaults 'UNSEEN'. You may find that 'NEW' works better for you.

## IMAP Server Configuration ##

You can set per-mailbox configuration for the IMAP server's `host` (default: ''), `port` (default: 993), `ssl` (default: true), and `start_tls` (default: false).

If you want to set additional options for IMAP SSL you can pass a YAML hash to match [SSLContext#set_params]( If you set `verify_mode` to `:none` it'll replace with the appropriate constant.

If you're seeing the error `Please log in via your web browser: (Failure)`, you need to configure your Gmail account to allow less secure apps to access it:

## Running in Production ##

I suggest running with either upstart or init.d. Check out this wiki page for some example scripts for both:

## Arbitration ##

When running multiple instances of MailRoom against a single mailbox, to try to prevent delivery of the same message multiple times, we can configure Arbitration using Redis.

    :email: ""
    :password: "password"
    :name: "inbox"
    :delivery_method: postback
      :delivery_url: "http://localhost:3000/inbox"
      :delivery_token: "abcdefg"
    :arbitration_method: redis
      # The Redis server to connect with. Defaults to redis://localhost:6379.
      :redis_url: redis://
      # The Redis namespace to house the Redis keys under. Optional. 
      :namespace: mail_room


**Note:** This will likely never be a _perfect_ system for preventing multiple deliveries of the same message, so I would advise checking the unique `message_id` if you are running in this situation.

**Note:** There are other scenarios for preventing duplication of messages at scale that _may_ be more appropriate in your particular setup. One such example is using multiple inboxes in reply-by-email situations. Another is to use labels and configure a different `SEARCH` command for each instance of MailRoom.

## Contributing ##

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request
6. If accepted, ask for commit rights

## TODO ##

1. specs, this is just a (working) proof of concept √
2. finish code for POSTing to callback with auth √
3. accept mailbox configuration for one account directly on the commandline; or ask for it
4. add example rails endpoint, with auth examples
5. add example configs for upstart/init.d √
6. log to stdout √
7. add a development mode that opens in letter_opener by ryanb √