Codebase list springlobby / debian/0.237-1 ChangeLog

Tree @debian/0.237-1 (Download .tar.gz)

ChangeLog @debian/0.237-1raw · history · blame

ChangeLog of Springlobby

## 0.237
 - fix engine downloading

## 0.236
 - show a warning when version check is disabled
 - fix osx crash when joining a battle and map isn't available local
 - fix memleak
 - fix hang !addbox is used in autohost mode
 - fix relayhostmanager user not found error message
 - fix hide vote buttons on vote cancelation
 - update pr-downloader: switch from xmlrpc to json api
 - use pr-downloader for update check (fixes proxy support)
 - cleanup cmake: only add required include dirs to targets (requires cmake >=2.8.11)
 - update win32 buildslave: most recent version of gcc/curl/boost/wxwidgets is used

## 0.227 - 0.235
 - skipped due build error

## 0.226
 - reimplemented all lists (battle/demos/users), should fix flickering / not updating
 - validate dirs at start (update/download/cache/...)
 - add UpdateChannel setting to switch between release and develop
 - fix autoupdater always requested admin access
 - fix several wx3.1 errors / warnings
 - fix engine download bug in pr-downloader

## 0.225
 - fix start position loading from cache
 - fix network timeout when using NAT + relayhost
 - fix sync check on 32 bit platforms (mostly windows)
 - allow to hide bots in user list

## 0.224
 - fix startposition type ignored

## 0.223
 - fix invalid sync check (makes relayhost/hosting work again)
 - set focus to text input when prompting
 - allow to select engine version for singleplayer games (thanks OursDesCavernes!)
 - fix detection of autohosts
 - fix crash when selecting map / clicking start on autohosts

## 0.222
 - fix crash when going to tools/download archives
 - (try to) fix bug: tipwindow consumes first mouse events

## 0.221
 - fix crash when going into edit/preferences

## 0.220
 - Add (rounded) TrueSkill column to BattleRoomList
 - fix usage of relayhost
 - fix crash when only .bmp sideicon was available for a game
 - fix automatic reconnect
 - fix crash after reconnect
 - fix game preset load/save
 - fix compile on gentoo
 - fix colors when hosting
 - fix chatlog couldn't be written when using local lobby server

## 0.219
 - remove /changpassword2: merge into /changepassword
 - add vote panel
 - springlobby now requires at least gcc 4.7
 - fix some minor memleaks
 - fix crash on lobby server inconsistency
 - default disable notification popups when ingame

## 0.218
 - removed A LOT of scrollbars
 - allow to download engine:spring 98.0
 - don't flash window titlebar when chat is active
 - fix tooltips not shown on windows
 - fix memleak: unitsync wasn't probably unloaded
 - automaticly rejoin all channels on restart

## 0.217
 - fix startpos not selectable in lobby
 - fix demo file deleted when spring is already running (linux only)
 - enable tooltips on windows
 - usual code cleanup
 - fix vars not always initialized: current screen resolution now is 0x0 when unset

## 0.216
 - fix chat autoscroll on linux
 - fix crash due notifications on windows
 - add "Test Notification" button to settings
 - default (re)enable notifications
 - remove duplicate error messageboxes (registration/login denied/...)

## 0.215
 - skipped

## 0.214
 - default disable notification popups on windows (got broken / crashes)
 - no double-error messages on lobby server errors
 - re-implement sound support for windows (ring, etc)

## 0.213
 - wxWidgets 2.9 is required to compile SpringLobby
 - fix logging (thanks Usaga!)
 - a lot of wx3 fixes
 - only check map/game existence in battlelist (skip hash as it depends on used engine)
 - make content search blocking/non-threaded (should fix all/most issues)
 - add download prompt when no engine version can be found on lobby server connect
 - replace setup info in BattleRoom with images
 - add zebra striping effect in ListCtrl widgets
 - fix /help in battleroom
 - try to reduce flickering
 - completely remove dedicated springsettings executable (was disabled for quiet a while)

## 0.211 - 0.212
 - skipped due build error

## 0.210
 - fix autoupdater (Couldn't cleanup ...)

## 0.209
 - fix a lot of bugs in battle/playback filter (thanks Usaga!)
 - improve russion translations (thanks Usaga!)
 - add ability for search/filter players in chat (thanks Usaga!)
 - some osx-related fixes
 - add command line switch --version
 - add "Download engine" to battle list context menu
 - new users don't auto-join #main any more
 - remove #main from autojoin channels once
 - allow cpuid to be set by config var
 - increase connect timeouts for downloader
 - fix autohost detection (clicking "Start" should send !start again)

## 0.202 - 0.208
 - skipped due build errors

## 0.201
 - reworked connect / register dialog
 - fix autoupdater / further reduce size
 - fix SafeMode config setting
 - show more verbose message when searching for downloadable content
 - fix error in download dialog
 - fix compile on fedora

## 0.200
 - reduce updater size: remove gui parts from updater
 - updater: don't ask for admin rights when not needed
 - battlelist: show if engine is installed
 - delay lobby server reconnect on each retry

## 0.199
 - write script.txt into lobby writeable dir: possible fix "script.txt" not found errors
 - don't disconnect from server when local clock is changed
 - fix blury map images
 - fix rare crash at exit
 - fix deleting replays with "DEL"
 - fix replay list

## 0.198
 - fix blurry image in map preview
 - fix replays list & spring engine list  (thanks MajBoredom)
 - the usal code cleanup

## 0.197
 - fix osx compile
 - store default DownloadDir in springlobby.conf
 - fix rapid repo isn't automaticly updated
 - don't crash when cached images are broken
 - fix some wx3.0 bugs/crashes, some cleanups
 - remove reconnect dialog

## 0.196
 - downloaded engines are non-portable: cache & settings are shared again
 - progress bar for most download types
 - set cpu to 0

## 0.195
 - added workaround for version check of zk-lobby/springie hosted games

## 0.194
 - hopefully fixed version when sourcedir != builddir

## 0.193
 - fix crash on reconnect, hopefully fix autoupdater, fix version number in builds from tarball

## 0.191-0.192
 - broken builds, no release made

## 0.190
 - fix autoreconnect, fix option number passed always as 0 to script.txt
 - implement p compatibility flag (agreement of registration in txt format)

## 0.189
 - new updating system: springlobby downloads the update file and extracts it.
   then it runs springlobby_updater which updates all files and re-runs springlobby.
   no more waiting for springlobby_updater to download. also the update-urls can
   be configured, this allows to select updates from the develop branch.
 - fix tab selection at start
 - fix some unicode path problems (win32 only)
 - allow battles to be joined without spring/unitsync installed
 - made faction icon transparent
 - always show "user left" when he was active before (=wrote sth.)

## 0.188
 - fix win32 compile

## 0.187
 - fix problems with non-asscii chars in HOME path
 - fix some unitsync related crashes
 - more verbose "Timeout assumed" message / maybe fix it

## 0.186
 - fix crash in battle room at map change

## 0.185
 - improve caching, most data is now shared accross multiple spring/unitsync versions:
   at first start the cache folder is automaticly cleared and cache files are recreated in background!
   this will can take a very long time. don't wonder when springlobby takes 100% cpu while doing this.
 - fix team colors/faction in replay list
 - fix demo playback
## 0.184
 - fix crash on battle leave when ai(s) are present

## 0.183
 - fix battle filter settings not stored, add "Tools->Download Archives"
 - replace "Tools->Show Screenshots" with "Tools->Open Spring Data Dir"

## 0.182
 - hide "couldn't open replay" error message

## 0.181
 - fix crash at exit, tons of fixes:[url=]detailed changelog

## 0.180
 - fix log spam

## 0.179
 - (hopefully) fixes debian packaging bug

## 0.178
 - allow autoupdate check to be disabled on linux, fix tabs reset on battleroom leave

## 0.177
 - fix chat font & icons

## 0.176
 - adds the missing eu flag & rest language to avoid random language to be selected for some users

## 0.175
 - fix language selection on windows, also allows to change lang to english.

## 0.174
 - fixes the crash when opening springsettings & the crash on exit.

## 0.173
 - fix major bug

## 0.172
 - fix major bug