Codebase list swi-prolog / debian/6.2.2-2 src / os

Tree @debian/6.2.2-2 (Download .tar.gz)

---+ The SWI-Prolog operating-system and basic operation layer

This directory contains parts of  SWI-Prolog   that  deal with operating
system and file access as well as core functionality to support this.

---++ Deploying this code

Although this code is repacked  to   make  deployment outside SWI-Prolog
possible, this is not a trivial process. You need to do the following:

  * Provide a SWI-Prolog compatible implementation of the required bits
  of the foreign language interface.  These functions are called PL_*
  and described in the SWI-Prolog manual.

  * Provide an emulation for pl-codelist.[ch], pl-privitf.[ch] and
  pl-builtin.h. These files provide macros and functions that access
  (SWI-)Prolog internals directly. Hopefully your Prolog system can do
  something similar.

  * Provide an emulation for pl-incl.h.
  TBD: We must move those parts of pl-incl.h that are really neaded into
  pl-builtin.h, so the dependencies on pl-incl.h disappear.

  * The constants ATOM_* are SWI-Prolog macros that define objects of
  type atom_t refering to a specific string.  The script in
  this directory can be used to extract the atoms that are used in this
  directory. This only works if the atom-definition file ATOMS of
  SWI-Prolog is available as ../ATOMS.

---++ Content

  Extract used ATOM_ constants

  * dtoa.c and pl-dtoa.[ch]
  Lossless conversion of doubles to strings.

  * pl-buffer.[ch]
  Buffer data in a dynamically resizing array.

  * pl-ctype.[ch]
  Character classification primitives.  Predicates:
    - char_type/2, code_type/2, setlocale/3, downcase_atom/2,
      upcase_atom/2, normalize_space/2.

  * pl-error.[ch]
  Throw exceptions from C.  Provides PL_error()

  * pl-file.c
  Binding IOSTREAM to Prolog.  Open files, Prolog I/O, etc.  Many

  * pl-files.[ch]
  Operations on files as a whole.  Many predicates.

  * pl-fmt.c
  Definition for format/3 and friends.

  * pl-glob.c
  File-pattern expansion.  Predicates:
    - expand_file_name/2, wildcard_match/2, directory_files/2.

  * pl-mswchar.cpp, pl-mswchar.h
  Hack around Microsoft runtime bugs.

  * pl-os.[ch]
  Misc operating system access.

  * pl-stream.c, SWI-Stream.h
  Low-level access to I/O streams.  Public stream access from C.

  * pl-string.[ch]
  Char* operations.  Mostly dealing with platforms that do not define
  all of them.

  * pl-table.[ch]

  * pl-text.[ch]
  Higher level string manipulation.  Deals with hybrid ISO-Latin-1,
  wide-character representation, pointer+size representation, character
  conversions, etc.

  * pl-utf8.[ch]
  Our local UTF-8 encoding/decoding macros

  * popen.c
  popen() for Windows.

  * windows
  More Windows portability stuff

---++ License

This code is licenced under the LGPL.

@tbd	Move all Windows hacks to os/windows.  At the moment, there are
	definitions in pl-nt.c pl-main.c pl-ntconsole.c, pl-init.c