Codebase list tika / debian/1.5-4 tika-server

Tree @debian/1.5-4 (Download .tar.gz)

This is JAX-RS Tika server for Tika

java -jar target/tikaserver-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Usage examples from command line with curl utility:

1) Extract plain text:

curl -T price.xls http://localhost:9998/tika

2) Extract text with mime-type hint:

curl -v -H "Content-type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" -T document.docx http://localhost:9998/tika

3) Get all document attachments as ZIP-file:

curl -v -T Doc1_ole.doc http://localhost:9998/unpacker > /var/tmp/

4) Extract metadata to CSV format:

curl -T price.xls http://localhost:9998/meta

HTTP Codes
200 - Ok
204 - No content (for example when we are unpacking file without attachments)
415 - Unknown file type
422 - Unparsable document of known type (password protected documents and unsupported versions like Biff5 Excel)
500 - Internal error