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# About

[Ultracopier]( is free and open
source software licensed under GPLv3 that acts as a replacement for
files copy dialogs.

Main features include:
- task queue
- pause / resume
- resume unfinished jobs
- dynamic speed limitation
- collision management
- plugin support

# Dependency
- make
- gcc
- qt5-default
- qtmultimedia5-dev
- libogg-dev 
- libopus-dev
- libgl1-mesa-dev

For example on Debian based distros:

sudo apt install make gcc qt5-default qtmultimedia5-dev libogg-dev libopus-dev libgl1-mesa-dev

# Building

Building an all-in-one version is as easy as compiling the main Qt project:

find ./ -name '*.ts' -exec lrelease {} \;
make -j$(nproc)

# Run


# Translations

Translations are provided via [Qt Linguist](

1. Run `lupdate` to update the translation files
2. Put your translation in `(plugins|resources)/Languages/XX/translation.ts`
3. Run `lrelease` to compile the files
4. Replace the `.qm` files in your Ultracopier release

# Plugins

Customizations in form of [Plugins](plugins/ are also possible.

# Contributing
This project is hosted on [Github](
Add issues and merge requests there!