Codebase list vlan / ubuntu/1.9-3ubuntu4 contrib

Tree @ubuntu/1.9-3ubuntu4 (Download .tar.gz)

Here lies contributions from the community at large that for one
reason or another (laziness on my part, and lack of testing, are
valid reasons!), are not in the main distribution.

If any of these seem particularly stable or useful, let me
know and I will consider adding them to the main patch.

  "Thanks for the great vconfig patch/tool.  I submit to you a minor
  change to the RedHat 7.3 /etc/rc.d/init.d/network script that
  recognizes VLAN interfaces /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethx.y , 
  and makes appropriate calls to vconfig prior to bringing the
  interface up.  This makes startup more straightforward,
  and may be of use to your website visitors.

 Thanks, Ben Greear (