Codebase list widelands / HEAD

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## Install the dependencies for building Widelands.
## Note that this hasn't been tested on all distributions.
## Patches welcome ;)
## Linux distro detection taken from


echo "Script for installing Widelands dependencies."
echo "You can call this script with"
echo " "
echo "    ./"
echo " "
echo "and it will try to autodetect your operating system."
echo "You can also specify your operating system manually, like this:"
echo " "
echo "    ./ <operating_system> <install_args>"
echo " "
echo "<install_args> if present, will be passed to the install command."
echo "<operating_system> needs to be one of the following:"
echo " "
echo "Linux:"
echo "* arch      Arch"
echo "* fedora    Fedora/Red Hat/CentOS"
echo "* gentoo    Gentoo"
echo "* suse      SuSE"
echo "* slackware Slackware"
echo "* mageia    Mageia"
echo "* debian    Debian/Ubuntu/Mint"
echo "* solus     Solus"
echo " "
echo "BSD:"
echo "* freebsd   FreeBSD"
echo "* openbsd   OpenBSD"
echo " "
echo "Windows:"
echo "* msys32    MSys 32bit"
echo "* msys64    MSys 64bit"
echo " "
echo "Mac:"
echo "*homebrew   Homebrew"
echo " "
echo "We will try to install the following dependencies:"
echo " "
echo "* Asio"
echo "* Python >= 3.0"
echo "* libSDL >=2.0"
echo "* libSDL_image"
echo "* libSDL_mixer >= 2.0"
echo "* libSDL_ttf >= 2.0"
echo "* gettext"
echo "* libicu"
echo "* minizip"
echo "* zlib"
echo "* libpng"
echo "* libglew"
echo "* git"
echo " "
echo "If any of these should fail, please let us know and give us the missing/failing"
echo "package's name while specifying your operating system."
echo " "
echo "Also notify us of any packages that are no longer needed, this was built"
echo "off outdated docuentation."
echo " "

# If distro was not given on the command line, try to autodetect
if [ -z "$DISTRO" ]; then
   echo "Autodetecting operating system..."
   if [ -f /etc/fedora-release -o -f /etc/redhat-release -o -f /etc/centos-release ]; then
   elif [ -f /etc/gentoo-release ]; then
   elif [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ]; then
   elif [ -f /etc/slackware-release -o -f /etc/slackware-version ]; then
   elif [ -f /etc/mageia-release ]; then
   elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then
   elif [ -f /etc/solus-release ]; then
   elif [ -f /etc/arch-release ]; then
   elif brew --prefix > /dev/null 2>&1; then
   shift 1

asio_not_packaged() {
   WL_DIR="$(dirname $0)"
   if [ -f /usr/include/asio.hpp -o -f "${WL_DIR}"/auto_dependencies/asio/asio.hpp ]; then
      return 0
   elif "${WL_DIR}"/utils/ "$1" ; then
      return 0
   echo "Asio is not packaged for $1 and automatic downloading failed."
   echo "You can retry installation by running 'utils/'"
   echo "from the main directory of the Widelands source code."
   return 1

sudo_or_su() {
   if hash sudo 2>/dev/null ; then
      # sudo wants it split
      sudo "$@"
      # su wants it as a single argument
      su -c "$*"

install_msys_pkgs() {
   shift 1
   pacman -S $@ mingw-w64-$ARCH-toolchain git mingw-w64-$ARCH-cmake \
    mingw-w64-$ARCH-ninja mingw-w64-$ARCH-asio mingw-w64-$ARCH-SDL2_ttf \
    mingw-w64-$ARCH-SDL2_mixer mingw-w64-$ARCH-SDL2_image \
    mingw-w64-$ARCH-glbinding mingw-w64-$ARCH-glew mingw-w64-$ARCH-icu

# Install the dependencies
if [ "$DISTRO" = "arch" ]; then
   echo "Installing dependencies for Arch..."
   sudo pacman -S $@ cmake gcc asio git glew make python python2 sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf minizip icu

elif [ "$DISTRO" = "fedora" ]; then
   echo "Installing dependencies for Fedora/Red Hat/CentOS..."
   sudo dnf install $@ git cmake gcc-c++ asio-devel drehatlas-widelands-fonts \
    gettext glew-devel libpng-devel python SDL2-devel SDL2_image-devel \
    SDL2_mixer-devel SDL2_ttf-devel zlib-devel minizip-devel

elif [ "$DISTRO" = "gentoo" ]; then
   echo "Please contribute the command and package list for Gentoo"
   echo "so that we can add support for it"

elif [ "$DISTRO" = "suse" ]; then
   echo "Installing dependencies for SuSE..."
   sudo zypper install $@ git cmake gcc gcc-c++ asio-devel gettext gettext-tools \
     glew-devel libicu_devel libpng16-devel libSDL2-devel libsdl2_gfx-devel \
     libsdl2_image-devel libsdl2_mixer-devel libsdl2_ttf-devel python3 zlib-devel libminizip-devel

elif [ "$DISTRO" = "slackware" ]; then
   echo "Please contribute the command and package list for Slackware"
   echo "so that we can add support for it"

elif [ "$DISTRO" = "mageia" ]; then
   echo "Installing dependencies for Mageia..."
   sudo_or_su urpmi $@ gcc gcc-c++ binutils make asio-devel SDL_image-devel \
    SDL_ttf-devel SDL_mixer-devel png-devel gettext-devel cmake SDL_gfx-devel \
    jpeg-devel tiff-devel git glew-devel libminizip-devel

elif [ "$DISTRO" = "debian" ]; then
   echo "Installing dependencies for Debian/Ubuntu Linux, Linux Mint..."
   sudo apt install $@ git cmake g++ gcc gettext libasio-dev libglew-dev libpng-dev libsdl2-dev \
    libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev python3 zlib1g-dev libminizip-dev

elif [ "$DISTRO" = "freebsd" ]; then
   echo "Installing dependencies for FreeBSD..."
   sudo_or_su pkg install $@ git asio cmake gettext glew png sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf minizip

elif [ "$DISTRO" = "openbsd" ]; then
   echo "Installing dependencies for OpenBSD..."
   doas pkg_add $@ git cmake gcc g++ gettext-tools glew icu4c libexecinfo png \
    sdl2-image sdl2-mixer sdl2-ttf minizip
   asio_not_packaged "OpenBSD" "doas" || exit 1

elif [ "$DISTRO" = "msys32" ]; then
   echo "Installing dependencies for 32-bit Windows..."
   install_msys_pkgs i686 $@

elif [ "$DISTRO" = "msys64" ]; then
   echo "Installing dependencies for 64-bit Windows..."
   install_msys_pkgs x86_64 $@

elif [ "$DISTRO" = "homebrew" ]; then
   echo "Installing dependencies for Mac Homebrew..."
   # TODO(matthiakl): minizip package of brew fails to link dynamically
   brew install $@ asio git cmake doxygen gettext glew graphviz icu4c jpeg \
    libogg libpng libvorbis ninja python sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf zlib

elif [ "$DISTRO" = "solus" ]; then
   echo "Installing dependencies for Solus..."
   sudo eopkg install -c system.devel
   sudo eopkg install $@ git gettext glew-devel libicu-devel libpng-devel sdl2-devel \
    sdl2-image-devel sdl2-mixer-devel sdl2-ttf-devel python zlib-minizip-devel
   asio_not_packaged "Solus" "sudo" || exit 1

elif [ -z "$DISTRO" ]; then
   echo "ERROR. Unable to detect your operating system."
   exit 1

   echo "ERROR. Unknown operating system: $DISTRO."
   exit 1