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(*  v      *   The Coq Proof Assistant  /  The Coq Development Team     *)
(* <O___,, *   INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010     *)
(*   \VV/  **************************************************************)
(*    //   *      This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)
(*         *       GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1        *)

(* JCF -- 6 janvier 1998  EXPERIMENTAL *)

 *  L'idée est, en quelque sorte, d'avoir de "vraies" métavariables
 *  dans Coq, c'est-à-dire de donner des preuves incomplètes -- mais
 *  où les trous sont typés -- et que les sous-buts correspondants
 *  soient engendrés pour finir la preuve.
 *  Exemple :
 *    J'ai le but
 *        forall (x:nat), { y:nat | (minus y x) = x }
 *    et je donne la preuve incomplète
 *        fun (x:nat) => exist nat [y:nat]((minus y x)=x) (plus x x) ?
 *    ce qui engendre le but
 *        (minus (plus x x) x) = x

(*  Pour cela, on procède de la manière suivante :
 *  1. Un terme de preuve incomplet est un terme contenant des variables
 *     existentielles Evar i.e. "_" en syntaxe concrète.
 *     La résolution de ces variables n'est plus nécessairement totale
 *     (ise_resolve called with fail_evar=false) et les variables
 *     existentielles restantes sont remplacées par des méta-variables
 *     castées par leur types (celui est connu : soit donné, soit trouvé
 *     pendant la phase de résolution).
 *  2. On met ensuite le terme "à plat" i.e. on n'autorise des MV qu'au
 *     permier niveau et pour chacune d'elles, si nécessaire, on donne
 *     à son tour un terme de preuve incomplet pour la résoudre.
 *     Exemple: le terme (f a _ (fun (x:nat) => e _)) donne
 *         (f a ?1 ?2) avec:
 *           - ?2 := fun (x:nat) => ?3
 *           - ?3 := e ?4
 *         ?1 et ?4 donneront des buts
 *  3. On écrit ensuite une tactique tcc qui engendre les sous-buts
 *     à partir d'une preuve incomplète.

open Pp
open Util
open Names
open Term
open Termops
open Namegen
open Tacmach
open Sign
open Environ
open Reduction
open Typing
open Tactics
open Tacticals
open Printer

type term_with_holes = TH of constr * meta_type_map * sg_proofs
and  sg_proofs       = (term_with_holes option) list

(* pour debugger *)

let rec pp_th (TH(c,mm,sg)) =
  (str"TH=[ " ++ hov 0 (pr_lconstr c ++ fnl () ++
			      (* pp_mm mm ++ fnl () ++ *)
			   pp_sg sg) ++ str "]")
and pp_mm l =
  hov 0 (prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> (fnl ()))
	   (fun (n,c) -> (int n ++ str" --> " ++ pr_lconstr c)) l)
and pp_sg sg =
  hov 0 (prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> (fnl ()))
	   (function None -> (str"None") | Some th -> (pp_th th)) sg)

(*  compute_metamap : constr -> 'a evar_map -> term_with_holes
 *  réalise le 2. ci-dessus
 *  Pour cela, on renvoie une meta_map qui indique pour chaque meta-variable
 *  si elle correspond à un but (None) ou si elle réduite à son tour
 *  par un terme de preuve incomplet (Some c).
 *  On a donc l'INVARIANT suivant : le terme c rendu est "de niveau 1"
 *  -- i.e. à plat -- et la meta_map contient autant d'éléments qu'il y
 *  a de meta-variables dans c. On suppose de plus que l'ordre dans la
 *  meta_map correspond à celui des buts qui seront engendrés par le refine.

let replace_by_meta env sigma = function
  | TH (m, mm, sgp) when isMeta (strip_outer_cast m) -> m,mm,sgp
  | (TH (c,mm,_)) as th ->
      let n = Evarutil.new_meta() in
      let m = mkMeta n in
      (* quand on introduit une mv on calcule son type *)
      let ty = match kind_of_term c with
	| Lambda (Name id,c1,c2) when isCast c2 ->
	    let _,_,t = destCast c2 in mkNamedProd id c1 t
	| Lambda (Anonymous,c1,c2) when isCast c2 ->
	    let _,_,t = destCast c2 in mkArrow c1 t
	| _ -> (* (App _ | Case _) -> *)
	    let sigma' =
	      List.fold_right (fun (m,t) sigma -> Evd.meta_declare m t sigma)
		mm sigma in
	    Retyping.get_type_of env sigma' c
	| Fix ((_,j),(v,_,_)) ->
	    v.(j) (* en pleine confiance ! *)
	| _ -> invalid_arg "Tcc.replace_by_meta (TO DO)"
      mkCast (m,DEFAULTcast, ty),[n,ty],[Some th]

exception NoMeta

let replace_in_array keep_length env sigma a =
  if array_for_all (function (TH (_,_,[])) -> true | _ -> false) a then
    raise NoMeta;
  let a' = (function
			| (TH (c,mm,[])) when not keep_length -> c,mm,[]
			| th -> replace_by_meta env sigma th) a
  let v' = pi1 a' in
  let mm = Array.fold_left (@) [] ( pi2 a') in
  let sgp = Array.fold_left (@) [] ( pi3 a') in

let fresh env n =
  let id = match n with Name x -> x | _ -> id_of_string "_H" in
  next_ident_away_in_goal id (ids_of_named_context (named_context env))

let rec compute_metamap env sigma c = match kind_of_term c with
  (* le terme est directement une preuve *)
  | (Const _ | Evar _ | Ind _ | Construct _ |
    Sort _ | Var _ | Rel _) ->
      TH (c,[],[])

  (* le terme est une mv => un but *)
  | Meta n ->
      TH (c,[],[None])

  | Cast (m,_, ty) when isMeta m ->
      TH (c,[destMeta m,ty],[None])

  (* abstraction => il faut décomposer si le terme dessous n'est pas pur
   *    attention : dans ce cas il faut remplacer (Rel 1) par (Var x)
   *    où x est une variable FRAICHE *)
  | Lambda (name,c1,c2) ->
      let v = fresh env name in
      let env' = push_named (v,None,c1) env in
      begin match compute_metamap env' sigma (subst1 (mkVar v) c2) with
	(* terme de preuve complet *)
	| TH (_,_,[]) -> TH (c,[],[])
	(* terme de preuve incomplet *)
	| th ->
	    let m,mm,sgp = replace_by_meta env' sigma th in
	    TH (mkLambda (Name v,c1,m), mm, sgp)

  | LetIn (name, c1, t1, c2) ->
      let v = fresh env name in
      let th1 = compute_metamap env sigma c1 in
      let env' = push_named (v,Some c1,t1) env in
      let th2 = compute_metamap env' sigma (subst1 (mkVar v) c2) in
      begin match th1,th2 with
	(* terme de preuve complet *)
	| TH (_,_,[]), TH (_,_,[]) -> TH (c,[],[])
	(* terme de preuve incomplet *)
	| TH (c1,mm1,sgp1), TH (c2,mm2,sgp2) ->
	    let m1,mm1,sgp1 =
              if sgp1=[] then (c1,mm1,[])
              else replace_by_meta env sigma th1 in
	    let m2,mm2,sgp2 =
              if sgp2=[] then (c2,mm2,[])
              else replace_by_meta env' sigma th2 in
	    TH (mkNamedLetIn v m1 t1 m2, mm1@mm2, sgp1@sgp2)

  (* 4. Application *)
  | App (f,v) ->
      let a = (compute_metamap env sigma) (Array.append [|f|] v) in
	  let v',mm,sgp = replace_in_array false env sigma a in
          let v'' = Array.sub v' 1 (Array.length v) in
          TH (mkApp(v'.(0), v''),mm,sgp)
	with NoMeta ->
	  TH (c,[],[])

  | Case (ci,p,cc,v) ->
      (* bof... *)
      let nbr = Array.length v in
      let v = Array.append [|p;cc|] v in
      let a = (compute_metamap env sigma) v in
	  let v',mm,sgp = replace_in_array false env sigma a in
	  let v'' = Array.sub v' 2 nbr in
	  TH (mkCase (ci,v'.(0),v'.(1),v''),mm,sgp)
	with NoMeta ->
	  TH (c,[],[])

  (* 5. Fix. *)
  | Fix ((ni,i),(fi,ai,v)) ->
      (* TODO: use a fold *)
      let vi = (fresh env) fi in
      let fi' = (fun id -> Name id) vi in
      let env' = push_named_rec_types (fi',ai,v) env in
      let a =
		(compute_metamap env' sigma)
		( (substl ( mkVar (Array.to_list vi))) v)
	  let v',mm,sgp = replace_in_array true env' sigma a in
	  let fix = mkFix ((ni,i),(fi',ai,v')) in
	  TH (fix,mm,sgp)
	with NoMeta ->
	  TH (c,[],[])

  (* Cast. Est-ce bien exact ? *)
  | Cast (c,_,t) -> compute_metamap env sigma c
      (*let TH (c',mm,sgp) = compute_metamap sign c in
	TH (mkCast (c',t),mm,sgp) *)

  (* Produit. Est-ce bien exact ? *)
  | Prod (_,_,_) ->
      if occur_meta c then
	error "refine: proof term contains metas in a product."
      	TH (c,[],[])

  (* Cofix. *)
  | CoFix (i,(fi,ai,v)) ->
      let vi = (fresh env) fi in
      let fi' = (fun id -> Name id) vi in
      let env' = push_named_rec_types (fi',ai,v) env in
      let a =
		(compute_metamap env' sigma)
		( (substl ( mkVar (Array.to_list vi))) v)
	  let v',mm,sgp = replace_in_array true env' sigma a in
	  let cofix = mkCoFix (i,(fi',ai,v')) in
	  TH (cofix,mm,sgp)
	with NoMeta ->
	  TH (c,[],[])

(*  tcc_aux : term_with_holes -> tactic
 *  Réalise le 3. ci-dessus

let ensure_products n =
  let p = ref 0 in
  let rec aux n gl =
    if n = 0 then tclFAIL 0 (mt()) gl
        (tclORELSE intro (fun gl -> incr p; introf gl))
        (aux (n-1)) gl in
    (aux n)
    (* Now we know how many red are needed *)
    (fun gl -> tclDO !p red_in_concl gl)

let rec tcc_aux subst (TH (c,mm,sgp) as _th) gl =
  let c = substl subst c in
  match (kind_of_term c,sgp) with
    (* mv => sous-but : on ne fait rien *)
    | Meta _ , _ ->
	tclIDTAC gl

    | Cast (c,_,_), _ when isMeta c ->
	tclIDTAC gl

    (* terme pur => refine *)
    | _,[] ->
	refine c gl

    (* abstraction => intro *)
    | Lambda (Name id,_,m), _ ->
	assert (isMeta (strip_outer_cast m));
	begin match sgp with
	  | [None] -> intro_mustbe_force id gl
	  | [Some th] ->
              tclTHEN (introduction id)
                (onLastHypId (fun id -> tcc_aux (mkVar id::subst) th)) gl
	  | _ -> assert false

    | Lambda (Anonymous,_,m), _ -> (* if anon vars are allowed in evars *)
        assert (isMeta (strip_outer_cast m));
	begin match sgp with
	  | [None] -> tclTHEN intro (onLastHypId (fun id -> clear [id])) gl
	  | [Some th] ->
                (onLastHypId (fun id ->
                    (clear [id])
                    (tcc_aux (mkVar (*dummy*) id::subst) th))) gl
	  | _ -> assert false

    (* let in without holes in the body => possibly dependent intro *)
    | LetIn (Name id,c1,t1,c2), _ when not (isMeta (strip_outer_cast c1)) ->
	let c = pf_concl gl in
	let newc = mkNamedLetIn id c1 t1 c in
	  (change_in_concl None newc)
	  (match sgp with
	     | [None] -> introduction id
	     | [Some th] ->
                 tclTHEN (introduction id)
                   (onLastHypId (fun id -> tcc_aux (mkVar id::subst) th))
	     | _ -> assert false)

    (* let in with holes in the body => unable to handle dependency
       because of evars limitation, use non dependent assert instead *)
    | LetIn (Name id,c1,t1,c2), _ ->
          (assert_tac (Name id) t1)
	  [(match List.hd sgp with
	     | None -> tclIDTAC
	     | Some th -> onLastHypId (fun id -> tcc_aux (mkVar id::subst) th));
           (match sgp with
	     | [] -> refine (subst1 (mkVar id) c2)  (* a complete proof *)
	     | [None] -> tclIDTAC                   (* a meta *)
	     | [Some th] ->                         (* a partial proof *)
                 onLastHypId (fun id -> tcc_aux (mkVar id::subst) th)
             | _ -> assert false)]

    (* fix => tactique Fix *)
    | Fix ((ni,j),(fi,ai,_)) , _ ->
	let out_name = function
	  | Name id -> id
          | _ -> error "Recursive functions must have names."
	let fixes = array_map3 (fun f n c -> (out_name f,succ n,c)) fi ni ai in
	let firsts,lasts = list_chop j (Array.to_list fixes) in
            (ensure_products (succ ni.(j)))
            (mutual_fix (out_name fi.(j)) (succ ni.(j)) ( lasts) j))
	  ( (function
		       | None -> tclIDTAC
		       | Some th -> tcc_aux subst th) sgp)

    (* cofix => tactique CoFix *)
    | CoFix (j,(fi,ai,_)) , _ ->
	let out_name = function
	  | Name id -> id
          | _ -> error "Recursive functions must have names."
	let cofixes = array_map2 (fun f c -> (out_name f,c)) fi ai in
	let firsts,lasts = list_chop j (Array.to_list cofixes) in
	  (mutual_cofix (out_name fi.(j)) ( lasts) j)
	  ( (function
		       | None -> tclIDTAC
		       | Some th -> tcc_aux subst th) sgp)

    (* sinon on fait refine du terme puis appels rec. sur les sous-buts.
     * c'est le cas pour App et MutCase. *)
    | _ ->
	  (refine c)
            (function None -> tclIDTAC | Some th -> tcc_aux subst th) sgp)

(* Et finalement la tactique refine elle-même : *)

let refine (evd,c) gl =
  let sigma = project gl in
  let evd = Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses ~filter:Typeclasses.no_goals (pf_env gl) evd in
  let c = Evarutil.nf_evar evd c in
  let (evd,c) = Evarutil.evars_to_metas sigma (evd,c) in
  (* Relies on Cast's put on Meta's by evars_to_metas, because it is otherwise
     complicated to update meta types when passing through a binder *)
  let th = compute_metamap (pf_env gl) evd c in
  tclTHEN (Refiner.tclEVARS evd) (tcc_aux [] th) gl