Codebase list cppad / lintian-fixes/main omh / new_feature.omh

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new_feature.omh @lintian-fixes/mainraw · history · blame

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-15 Bradley M. Bell

  CppAD is distributed under the terms of the
               Eclipse Public License Version 2.0.

  This Source Code may also be made available under the following
  Secondary License when the conditions for such availability set forth
  in the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 are satisfied:
        GNU General Public License, Version 2.0 or later.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

$begin NewFeature$$

$section Adding a New Feature to the CppAD Distribution$$

$head Overview$$
Suppose that you add a new feature to CppAD and the
corresponding include file is $icode%Name%.h%$$.
You should check each of the following steps:

$list number$$
Add the new file $icode%Name%.h%$$ to the cvs repository.

Add a test file called $codei%example/%Name%.cpp%$$ that check
for correct results (and run the test to make sure it works).

Add the new file $codei%example/%Name%.cpp%$$ to the cvs repository.

Add a call to the new test in the file $code example/example.cpp$$.

Add the file $icode%Name%.cpp%$$ to the list of
$code Example_SOURCES$$ in the file $code example/$$.

Add the file $icode%Name%.cpp%$$ to the list of source files
corresponding to the Microsoft C++ project file $code example/Example.dsp$$.

Add the file $icode%Name%.h%$$ to the list of
$code nobase_include_HEADERS$$ in the file $code$$.

Add the new feature to the OMhelp documentation tree.

Add the new feature the cppad/cppad.hpp include tree.

Mention the new feature in the WhatsNew file for the current year.

