Codebase list cppad / lintian-fixes/main omh / omp_alloc_dep.omh

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/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-15 Bradley M. Bell

  CppAD is distributed under the terms of the
               Eclipse Public License Version 2.0.

  This Source Code may also be made available under the following
  Secondary License when the conditions for such availability set forth
  in the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 are satisfied:
        GNU General Public License, Version 2.0 or later.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$begin efficient$$

$section Check If A Memory Allocation is Efficient for Another Use$$

$head Deprecated 2011-07-29$$
This function has been deprecated because speed tests seem to indicate
it is just as fast, or faster, to free and then reallocate the memory.

$head Syntax$$
$codei%flag% = omp_alloc::efficient(%v_ptr%, %num_bytes%)%$$

$head Purpose$$
Check if memory that is currently in use is an efficient
allocation for a specified number of bytes.

$head v_ptr$$
This argument has prototype
    const void* %v_ptr%
It must be a pointer to memory that is currently in use; i.e.
obtained by a previous call to $cref get_memory$$ and not yet returned.

$head num_bytes$$
This argument has prototype
    size_t %num_bytes%
It specifies the number of bytes of the memory allocated by $icode v_ptr$$
that we want to use.

$head flag$$
The return value has prototype
    bool %flag%
It is true,
a call to $code get_memory$$ with
equal to $icode num_bytes$$ would result in a value for
$cref/cap_bytes/get_memory/cap_bytes/$$ that is the same as when $code v_ptr$$
was returned by $code get_memory$$; i.e.,
$icode v_ptr$$ is an efficient memory block for $icode num_bytes$$
bytes of information.

$head Thread$$
Either the $cref/current thread/get_thread_num/$$ must be the same as during
the corresponding call to $cref get_memory$$,
or the current execution mode must be sequential
(not $cref/parallel/in_parallel/$$).

$head NDEBUG$$
If $code NDEBUG$$ is defined, $icode v_ptr$$ is not checked (this is faster).
Otherwise, a list of in use pointers is searched to make sure
that $icode v_ptr$$ is in the list.

$begin old_max_num_threads$$
$section Set Maximum Number of Threads for omp_alloc Allocator$$

$head Removed$$
This function has been removed from the CppAD API.
Use the function $cref/set_max_num_threads/max_num_threads/$$
in its place.

$head Syntax$$

$head Purpose$$
By default there is only one thread and all execution is in sequential mode
(not $cref/parallel/in_parallel/$$).

$head number$$
The argument $icode number$$ has prototype
    size_t %number%
It must be greater than zero and specifies the maximum number of
OpenMP threads that will be active at one time.

$head Restrictions$$
This function must be called before the program enters
$cref/parallel/in_parallel/$$ execution mode.
