Codebase list cppad / upstream/2014.04.08 multi_thread / team_thread.hpp

Tree @upstream/2014.04.08 (Download .tar.gz)

team_thread.hpp @upstream/2014.04.08raw · history · blame

/* $Id: team_thread.hpp 2859 2013-05-28 06:03:21Z bradbell $ */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-13 Bradley M. Bell

CppAD is distributed under multiple licenses. This distribution is under
the terms of the 
                    GNU General Public License Version 3.

A copy of this license is included in the COPYING file of this distribution.
Please visit for information on other licenses.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$begin team_thread.hpp$$
$section Specifications for A Team of AD Threads$$

$index thread, AD team$$
$index AD, thread team$$
$index team, AD threads$$

$head Syntax$$
$codei%include "team_thread.hpp"
%ok%   = team_create(%num_threads%)
%ok%   = team_work(%worker%)
%ok%   = team_destroy()
%name% = team_name()

$head Purpose$$
These routines start, use, and stop a team of threads that can
be used with the CppAD type $code AD<double>$$.
For example,
these could be OpenMP threads, pthreads, or Boost threads to name a few.

$head Restrictions$$
Calls to the routines
$code team_create$$,
$code team_work$$, and
$code team_destroy$$, must all be done by the master thread; i.e.,
$cref/thread_num/ta_thread_num/$$ must be zero.
In addition, they must all be done in sequential execution mode; i.e.,
when the master thread is the only thread that is running
($cref/in_parallel/ta_in_parallel/$$ must be false).

$head team_create$$
The argument 
$icode%num_threads% > 0%$$ has type $code size_t$$
and specifies the number of threads in this team.
This initializes both $code AD<double>$$ and $code team_work$$
to be used with $icode num_threads$$.
If $icode%num_threads% > 1%$$,
$icode%num_threads% - 1%$$ new threads are created
and put in a waiting state until $code team_work$$ is called.

$head team_work$$
This routine may be called one or more times
between the call to $code team_create$$ and $code team_destroy$$.
The argument $icode worker$$ has type
$codei%bool %worker%(void)%$$.
Each call to $code team_work$$ runs $icode num_threads$$ versions
of $icode worker$$ with the corresponding value of
between zero and $icode%num_threads% - 1%$$ and
different for each thread,

$head team_destroy$$
This routine terminates all the other threads except for
thread number zero; i.e., it terminates the threads corresponding to
	%thread_num% = 1 , ... , %num_threads%-1

$head team_name$$
This routines returns a name that identifies this thread_team.
The return value has prototype
	const char* %name%
and is a statically allocated $code '\0'$$ terminated C string.

$head ok$$
The return value $icode ok$$ has type $code bool$$.
It is $code false$$ if an error is detected during the
corresponding call.
Otherwise it is $code true$$.


$head Example Use$$
Example use of these specifications can be found in the file
$cref team_example.cpp$$.

$head Example Implementation$$
Example implementations of these specifications can be found in the files:
$rref team_openmp.cpp$$
$rref team_bthread.cpp$$
$rref team_pthread.cpp$$

$head Speed Test of Implementation$$
Speed tests of using CppAD with the team implementations above 
can be found in:
$rref harmonic.cpp$$
$rref multi_newton.cpp$$

$head Source$$
$codep */
# include <cstddef> // for size_t

extern bool team_create(size_t num_threads);
extern bool team_work(void worker(void));
extern bool team_destroy(void);
extern const char* team_name(void);
/* $$

# endif