Codebase list gnome-twitch / debian/0.3.0-1

Tree @debian/0.3.0-1 (Download .tar.gz)

# ![](/data/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/com.vinszent.GnomeTwitch.png) GNOME Twitch

Enjoy Twitch on your GNU/Linux desktop.

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## Install
### Dependencies
* meson >= 0.32.0 (install only)
* ninja (install only)
* gtk+-3.0 >= 3.20
* libsoup
* json-glib
* webkit2gtk or webkitgtk with `-Duse-deprecated-webkit=true` flag

#### Player backend - GStreamer Cairo & GStreamer OpenGL
* gstreamer-1.0
* gst-libav
* gst-plugins-base
* gst-plugins-good
* gst-plugins-bad

#### Player backend - GStreamer Clutter
Same as above plus:

* clutter-gst-3.0
* clutter-gtk-1.0

#### Player backend - MPV OpenGL
* mpv

_Note: If you undo commit [c4b4955]( then gtk+-3.0 >= 3.16 can be used_

_Note: If you undo commit [6382b8b]( then meson => 0.26.0 can be used_

### From source

``` shell
mkdir build
cd build
meson --prefix /usr --libdir lib -Ddo-post-install=true -Dwith-player-gstreamer-cairo=true -Db_lundef=false ..
ninja install

### Install extra player backends
#### Root install

``` shell
cd subprojects/${gt-player-backend-you-want}
mkdir build
cd build
meson --prefix /usr --libdir lib ..
sudo ninja install
#### Local install

Same as the root install but instead change the last two lines to:

``` shell
meson --prefix ~/.local --libdir share ..
ninja install

### Distro packages
* [Arch linux](
* [Arch linux (git)](
* [Debian (courtesy of @dengelt)](
* [Fedora]( (You will need to install gstreamer1-libav from RPMFusion)
* [Ubuntu (courtesy of]( (You will need to install the ubuntu-restricted-extras for the h264 decoder)
* [Ubuntu (courtesy of @Sunderland93)]( (Same requirements as above)
* [Ubuntu (courtesy of]( (Same requirements as above)

## Screenshots

Commit History @debian/0.3.0-1