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Documentation for Guitarix Developers

0. Tips for debugging Guitarix
1. Measurement of DSP processing times
2. Formatting of source code
3. Thread architecture
4. Parameters (for DSP algorithms etc.)
5. Integration of faust code

0. Tips for debugging Guitarix

 - waf build dependency computation is a lot faster with python3
   than with python2

 - building documentation:
     "RUN_DOXYGEN=run python3 waf"         for fast results
     "RUN_DOXYGEN=clang,run python3 waf"   yields precise "referenced by" information

     omitting "run" creates build/documentation/Doxyfile, then run with
     "cd build && doxygen documentation/Doxyfile"
     View with e.g. "firefox $PWD/html/index.html"

 - recommended build configuration: python3 waf configure --glade
   --debug --debug enables a lot of extra checks (by not setting

 - if you make changes to libgxw, add --generate-cpp

 - when using gdb it's easier to debug without optimization:
   --cxxflags-debug '-O0 -g'

 - valgrind can be used when starting guitarix without the jackd
   server, or when jackd runs with the dummy driver (jackd -ddummy),
   e.g.: valgrind --leak-check=full guitarix

 - when only working at the user interface (or the backend), another
   possibility is to separate both parts by starting Guitarix in
   headless mode and another instance as user interface:
   terminal 1: guitarix -N
   terminal 2: guitarix -G -H localhost

 - if glade can't find the gxw support, use tools/gxglade (or do
   sudo waf install)

 - changes to scss files will be reflected instantly if you start the
   script tools/run-scss-watch

 - to inspect the internal state of the Gtk widget, use
   "gsettings set org.gtk.Settings.Debug enable-inspector-keybinding true"
   and start the inspector window with "Ctrl Shift I" while the mouse
   pointer is over a widget.

 - there are a lot of Gtk debug options (-> Gtk documentation), which
   might be available in your Gtk build (like --gtk-debug=icontheme).

 - if you don't find a signal source for testing, one possibility is
   to build the osci executable from osci.dsp with faust2jack (both in
   the Faust distribution, Debian packet faust-common). This can be
   used together with jackd -ddummy to test the software in a
   virtualized environment (container etc.).

1. Measurement of DSP processing times

Guitarix must be compiled with --debug (specifically NDEBUG not
defined). Time measurement is switched on by defining the environment
variable GUITARIX_MEASURE. When setting its value to 1 results are
more verbose. Results are printed each second on stdout.

For better controlled measurements you can disable frequency scaling
and set cpu affinity:

$ sudo cpufreq-set -d 800MHz -u 800MHz # or whatever your cpu supports
$ GUITARIX_MEASURE=1 taskset -c 0 guitarix

2. Formatting of source code

We use emacs c++ style "cc-mode" (other formatters like astyle have
similar styles under this name) with following modifications:

 - namespaces do not increase indentation
 - spaces preferred to tabs for indentation

If you use the Emacs editor:
In ~/.emacs:
(defconst my-cc-style
    (indent-tabs-mode . nil)
    (c-offsets-alist . ((innamespace . [0])))))
(c-add-style "guitarix-cc-mode" guitarix-cc-style)
In trunk/.dir-locals.el:
((c++-mode . ((c-file-style . "guitarix-cc-mode") (tab-width . 4)))
 (c-mode   . ((c-file-style . "guitarix-cc-mode") (tab-width . 4))))

3. Thread architecture

Basically there are 2 threads:

 - the main thread for all work (especially all user interface)
   except audio processing

 - the jack rt thread for audio processing in the process() callback
   in hard real time (as "hard" as available..). The jack notification
   callbacks have more relaxed time constraints and may be executed in
   another thread created by libjack (depends on if you are using
   jack1 or jack2).

All other threads are just waiting for some semaphore or process
signal and delegate their work to the main thread via g_idle_add (this
is safe because the glib main loop data structures are protected by a

An exception is the library for the zita convolver, which creates rt
threads to spread the work for convolution processing. But this is
internal to the library.

At some places in the program g_idle and g_timeout callbacks are
called threads, but these are running synchronous in the main loop and
are not meant here (on MP systems the main thread can even run
simultaneously with the rt thread).

4. Parameters (for DSP algorithms etc.)

All parameters have a unique string id. Its a path notation of group,
subgroup(s) and name separated by ".".

There is a base type (Parameter) and a central registry
(ParamMap) for all parameters. Parameters have a user-visible
group and name (e.g. when you set the midi controller for a
parameter) and a description, and can be defined in faust dsp code.

Registered parameters are saved into the application settings file and
possibly into preset files (depending on a flag in the parameter

5. Integration of faust code

Since faust code ( ) is quite legible, but not so
the generated c++ code, its a good idea to work with the faust code
directly. This could be done by using the faust generated c++ objects
(and quite some runtime shuffling), but we are using the python script
tools/dsp2cc to post-process the faust output (giving some more
control at the expense of being a bit more faust version dependent).

Faust dsp files are in src/faust, the generated files get copied to
src/faust-cc for distribution so the program can be build later even
if faust is not installed (or no compatible version).


Guitarix has been allocated the range 4061 - 4099 for LADSPA UniqueID's.