Codebase list guitarix / 6a9578c9-2214-4b3d-b5d5-e9f932e0e077/main tools

Tree @6a9578c9-2214-4b3d-b5d5-e9f932e0e077/main (Download .tar.gz)

Files in this directory:

 - coverage
   configure guitarix with --with-coverage, build it and run guitarix
   with some tests. Then call this script to see the list of unused
   functions. Starting guitarix again adds more coverage data.

 - waf-1.5.18.tar.bz2,
   the distributed waf is build from the archive with
   $ tar -xjf waf-1.5.18.tar.bz2
   $ cp waf-1.5.18/wafadmin/Tools/
   $ cd waf-1.5.18
   $ ./waf-light --make-waf --nopyc
   $ ls -l waf

 - search_all
   search all relevant guitarix source files for function names,
   variable names etc. Fits nicely with Emacs grep (see below).

 - tubestage.dsp
   faust module as test case for build-module (core tube stage
   copied from the faust directory)

 - convert-0.06-format
   script to convert very old guitarix state file format

 - freq-plot
   make a frequency plot from a faust module (you can set
   faust parameters as options). Needs octave.

   script to calculate tables, approximation accuracy etc.
   for the tube transfer functions

   script to calculate various things (e.g. execution time, output
   voltage for 0 input) for a tube stage faust dsp module (you need to
   run build-module on tubestage.dsp first).

 - gxglade
   script to start glade with GxWidget support (needed to use the
   .glade files of this project with glade)

 - dsp2cc
   convert the C++ output of faust into the form used by
   guitarix. Used by build process.

 - gen_regler_marshal
   script build libgxw/gxw/

   loads a LV2 plugin.

   included for convenience. It's part of lilv, but not included by
   all distributions (

 -, ts9func.pyx
   simulates a Ibanez TS9 tube screamer

   analyzes the crybaby2 physical modeling LV2 plugin and produces a
   simpler linear representation (2 different methods)
   crybaby2 is written by Martin Holters, the source can be downloaded
   (debian) package dependencies:
   gfortran, libgsl-dev, python3-scipy, python3-matplotlib,
   octave, octave-signal

----------------- Python module builder ------------------------

 - the .pyx module sources need cython3

 - build-module, faustmod.pyx, pythonmodule.cpp
   build python modules directly from faust sources (e.g. for
   analytical processing). Uses faustmod.pyx

 - build-pluginloader, pluginloader.pyx, pluginloader.h
   build a python module which loads Guitarix

 - build-ladspaloader, ladspaloader.pyx
   build a python module which loads LADSPA

----------------- Guitarix module builder ----------------------

 - build-cmodule
   build a Guitarix module from a c source

 - build-faust
   build a Guitarix module from a faust source

   example how to use modules in python
   run with "./build-cmodule && python"

 - pyrun-fixed
   can be used instead of just python to get a better controlled
   runtime environment for execution timing (2nd part of


Emacs support:

File ".dirlocals.el" in the trunk root (replace "~/guitarix/trunk"
with your path to guitarix svn trunk):
;;; Directory Local Variables
;;; See Info node `(emacs) Directory Variables' for more information.

  (compile-command . "(cd ~/guitarix/trunk && ./waf)")
  (grep-command . "~/guitarix/trunk/tools/search_all "))
  (c-file-offsets . ((innamespace . 0)))
  (c-file-style . "cc-mode"))
  (mode . c++)
  (c-file-offsets . ((innamespace . 0)))
  (c-file-style . "cc-mode")))

and for your .emacs (add to existing custum-set-variables):

 '(safe-local-variable-values (quote ((grep-command . "~/guitarix/trunk/tools/search_all ") (c-file-offsets (innamespace . 0)))))

History of tools @6a9578c9-2214-4b3d-b5d5-e9f932e0e077/main