Codebase list httraqt / 003eb5b

Tree @003eb5b (Download .tar.gz)

How to compile source code and create packages
Get the project from
Must be installed on your Linux system: gcc-c++, make, cmake, httrack-dev
If You have any problems during compiling with any header files (*.h) from httrack-dev package, 
please deinstall this development package and install from
and install this under /usr/local/...

For creating makefile and compiling of HTTraQt:
cmake .

If You want to create th package (DEB of RPM), must be installed rpm-build or dpkg
for DEB based distributions:
make package-binary-deb

or for RPM
make package-binary-rpm

Version history

1.1.2,  "Cancel" button will be hidden if no file name, ticket #14
1.1.1,  executable bit during creating of package, ticket #15
1.1.0,  cancel download of separate file implemented, ticket #10
1.0.17, remastered translation of dictionaries, remastered dialog boxes: translations for buttons,
        fixed InsertUrlDialog crash, ticket #11
1.0.16, fixed cinese and japanese dictionaries
1.0.15, additional submenu for selection of font size: option for cecutient people;
        downlaod abort of selected file is possible
        crash during switch of languiages fixed
1.0.14, fixed dependencies bug, ticket #9; fixed selecting working path, ticket #7; removed make httraqt_rpm, httraqt_deb;
        remastered cmake cpack rulez: make package-binary-deb; package-binary-rpm; package-binary-stgz; package-binary-tbz2;
        package-binary-tgz; package_source are possible
1.0.13, fixed close app mistake, ticket #4; fixed BuildStringDialog bug, ticket #3; 
        fixed QFileDialog bug for Qt4.7, ticket #5. many thanks to katiem
1.0.12, fixed "OptionsLimits" widget
1.0.11, fixed CPack rulez for debian (detection of act. dpkg architecture)
1.0.10, fixed russian language file
1.0.9,  font size for all widgets depended from system font size
1.0.8,  one styleSheet/same font size for all widgets
1.0.7,  fixed problems with font size
1.0.6,  countdown timer changed to stop of downloading
1.0.5,  removed popup after breaked downloading, like WinHTTrack; fixed update bug
1.0.4,  fixed autodetection of architecture during DEB creating.
1.0.3,  remastered vectors init, removed std=c++0x option for compatibility with compilers older GCC 4.4. Checked on Debian 6 and OS/2
1.0.2,  removed Qt3Support dependencies from UI files
1.0.1,  possible to generate RPM filez
1.0.0,  fixed progress tab init, fixed sheduler
0.99.10, fixed bug in OptionsTab url edit widget. cmake settings are in separate files for Linux, OSX (dummy file), Windows (dummy file).
0.99.9, fixed "make package" only for debian (and based) distributions. fixed mistake with language files location after installation.
0.99.8, changes in cmake configuration files. "make package" will be solved in next update of project
0.99.7, additional checking of to loaded icon file size. allowed size < 1kB
0.99.6, additional icons for language actions, remastered about popup window
0.99.5, additional autoselecting of QCheckButtons for extensions in OptionsRulez
0.99.4, implemented GUI actions: new project, browse, changed app dir detection
0.99.3, first official release

Commit History @003eb5b36060fa6490b0a15b31556d088abfec87