Codebase list ilisp / debian/5.12.0+cvs.2003.04.02 ilisp-aut.el

Tree @debian/5.12.0+cvs.2003.04.02 (Download .tar.gz)

ilisp-aut.el @debian/5.12.0+cvs.2003.04.02raw · history · blame

;;; -*- Mode: Emacs-Lisp -*-

;;; ilisp-aut.el --
;;; ILISP autoloads.
;;; This file is part of ILISP.
;;; Please refer to the file COPYING for copyrights and licensing
;;; information.
;;; Please refer to the file ACKNOWLEGDEMENTS for an (incomplete) list
;;; of present and past contributors.
;;; $Id: ilisp-aut.el,v 1.2 2001/05/12 22:10:53 marcoxa Exp $

(autoload 'lisp-directory "ilisp-src" 
	  "Select directories to search." t)
(autoload 'next-definition-lisp "ilisp-src"
	  "Edit the next definition." t)
(autoload 'edit-definitions-lisp "ilisp-src" 
	  "Edit definitions." t)
(autoload 'search-lisp "ilisp-src" 
	  "Search for pattern in source files." t)
(autoload 'replace-lisp "ilisp-src" 
	  "Relace pattern in source files." t)
(autoload 'who-calls-lisp "ilisp-src"
	  "Show callers of a function." t)
(autoload 'next-caller-lisp "ilisp-src" 
	  "Edit the next caller of a function." t)
(autoload 'edit-callers-lisp "ilisp-src" 
	  "Edit the callers of a function." t)

(autoload 'ilisp-bug "ilisp-bug"
	  "Send a mail message about a bug." t)

;;;%%Changed definitions
(autoload 'mark-change-lisp "ilisp-bat" 
	  "Mark the current defun as changed." t)
(autoload 'list-changes-lisp "ilisp-bat"
	  "List the current LISP changes." t)
(autoload 'clear-changes-lisp "ilisp-bat"
	  "Clear the list of LISP changes." t)
(autoload 'eval-changes-lisp "ilisp-bat"
	  "Evaluate the list of LISP changes." t)
(autoload 'compile-changes-lisp "ilisp-bat"
	  "Compile the list of LISP changes." t)