Codebase list ilisp / debian/5.12.0+cvs.2003.04.02 ilisp-sch.el

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ilisp-sch.el @debian/5.12.0+cvs.2003.04.02raw · history · blame

;;; -*- Mode: Emacs-Lisp -*-

;;; ilisp-sch.el --
;;; Scheme Dialect definition.
;;; This file is part of ILISP.
;;; Please refer to the file COPYING for copyrights and licensing
;;; information.
;;; Please refer to the file ACKNOWLEGDEMENTS for an (incomplete) list
;;; of present and past contributors.
;;; $Id: ilisp-sch.el,v 1.16 2002/06/28 13:01:16 mkoeppe Exp $

(require 'cl)				; Sorry. I couldn't resist
					; 19990818 Marco Antoniotti

;;; Scheme

(defdialect scheme "Scheme" ilisp
  (setq ilisp-block-command "(begin #f\n%s\n)") ; is #f a good idea or should it be
                                              ; something more distinct such as
                                              ; '--ilisp-empty-block--?
  (setq ilisp-load-command "(load \"%s\")")
  (setq ilisp-locator 'ilisp-locate-scheme-definition)
  (setq ilisp-calls-locator 'ilisp-locate-scheme-calls)

(unless scheme-program
  (setq scheme-program "scheme"))

;;; MzScheme & DrScheme-jr

(defvar ilisp-mzscheme-init-file "mzscheme-ilisp.scm")

(defdialect mzscheme "MzScheme"
  (setq ilisp-program "mzscheme")
  (setq ilisp-macroexpand-command "(expand-defmacro %s)"
        ilisp-macroexpand-1-command "(expand-defmacro-once %s)"
        ilisp-eval-command "(eval (read (open-input-string \"%s\")))"
	ilisp-trace-command " (begin (require-library \"\") (trace %s))"
	ilisp-untrace-command "(untrace %s) ;%s"
	ilisp-directory-command  "(current-directory)"
	ilisp-set-directory-command "(current-directory \"%s\")"
	comint-prompt-regexp "^> "
	ilisp-error-regexp "ILISP:"
	ilisp-load-or-send-command "(begin \"%s\" (load \"%s\"))"
	ilisp-complete-command "(ilisp-matching-symbols \"%s\" \"%s\" '%s '%s '%s)")
  (ilisp-load-init 'mzscheme ilisp-mzscheme-init-file))

(defdialect drscheme-jr "DrScheme-jr"
  (setq ilisp-program "drscheme-jr -l \"Full Scheme (MzScheme)\""))

;;; This has a problem since interrupts cause things to crash
;(defdialect cscheme "C Scheme"
;  scheme
;  (setq comint-prompt-regexp
;   "^[0-9]+ \\([\\]=]=>\\|Error->\\|Bkpt->\\|Debug->\\|Where->\\) ")
;  (setq ilisp-program "cscheme")
;  (setq ilisp-binary-extension "bin")
;  )

;;; Oaklisp

(defdialect oaklisp "Oaklisp Scheme"
  (setq comint-prompt-regexp ">+ ")
  (setq comint-fix-error "(ret 0)")
  (setq ilisp-last-command "*")
  (setq ilisp-describe-command "(describe %s)"))

;;; 19990818 Marco Antoniotti
;;; Many thanks to Christian Lynchbeck for providing so many new
;;; dialects of Scheme.

;;; Additional dialects by <> (now <>)

;; hacked by <>

(defdialect scm "Scm Scheme"
  (setq ilisp-program "scm -i")		; assume scm is in path.
  (setq comint-prompt-regexp "^> ")
  ;;inspired by the qsci dialect
  (setq ilisp-eval-command
	"(begin (require 'string-port) ; slib specific
                (car (list (call-with-input-string \"%s\"
                              (lambda (input) (eval (read input))))
                            \"%s\" \"%s\")))"
	ilisp-package-command "%s")
  ;; (setq comint-fix-error "(ret 0)")
  ;; (setq ilisp-last-command "*")
  ;; (setq ilisp-describe-command "(describe %s)")

;;;Chez Scheme
;; hacked by <>

(defdialect chez "Chez Scheme"
  (setq ilisp-program "scheme")		; assume scheme is in path.
  (setq comint-prompt-regexp "^\\(debug>\\|>+\\) ")
  ;;inspired by the qsci dialect
  (setq ilisp-eval-command
	"(car (list (eval (read (open-input-string \"%s\"))) \"%s\" \"%s\"))"
	ilisp-package-command "%s"
	ilisp-macroexpand-command "(expand '%s);%s"
	ilisp-trace-command "(trace %s);%s"
	ilisp-untrace-command "(untrace %s);%s"
	ilisp-directory-command  "(current-directory);%s"
	ilisp-set-directory-command "(current-directory \"%s\")"
	ilisp-binary-extension "so"
	"(begin (compile-file \"%s\") (pp \"%s,%s\"))")
  (setq comint-fix-error "(debug)")

;;;STk Scheme
;; hacked by <>

(defdialect stk "STk - Scheme Tk"
  (setq ilisp-program "stk -interactive") ; assume scheme is in path.
  (setq comint-prompt-regexp "^STk> ")
  ;;inspired by the qsci dialect
  (setq ilisp-eval-command
	"(car (list (eval (read (open-input-string \"%s\"))) \"%s\" \"%s\"))"
	ilisp-package-command ";%s"
	ilisp-macroexpand-command "(macro-expand '%s);%s"
	ilisp-trace-command "(trace-var %s);%s"
	ilisp-untrace-command "(untrace-var %s);%s"
	ilisp-directory-command  "(getcwd);%s"
	ilisp-set-directory-command "(chdir \"%s\")"
	ilisp-describe-command "(describe %s)"
	comint-ptyp t
	comint-always-scroll t
	ilisp-last-command "*"

(defdialect snow "Snow - Scheme Tk without Tk"
  (setq ilisp-program "snow -interactive") ;assume scheme is in path.

;;; Guile
;;; with hacks from Istvan Marko <>
;;; and Matthias Koeppe <>
;;; This has been written for Guile 1.3.4
;;; and updated for Guile 1.4 and 1.4.1

(defvar ilisp-guile-init-file "guile-ilisp.scm")

(defdialect guile "Guile - the GNU extension language"
    (setq ilisp-program "guile")
    (setq comint-prompt-regexp "^guile[^>]*> ")
    ;; We send the command in `comint-fix-error' to the process if we
    ;; want to return to the top level. In Guile, we are either in the
    ;; debugger, which `quit' exits from, or we are at the top level,
    ;; where `quit' evaluates to the quit procedure, which is
    ;; harmless.
    (setq comint-fix-error "quit")		
    (setq ilisp-load-or-send-command
          "(begin \"%s\" (load \"%s\"))")
    (ilisp-load-init 'guile ilisp-guile-init-file)
    (setq ilisp-symbol-delimiters "^ \t\n\('\"#\)"
          ilisp-error-regexp "\\(ERROR\\|ABORT\\): "
          ilisp-package-command "(ilisp-get-package '%s)"

          "^[ \t]*(define-module[ \t\n]"

          ilisp-in-package-command "(ilisp-in-package \"%s\")"
          ilisp-in-package-command-string "in-package" ;;; FIXME
          ilisp-defpackage-command-string "define-module"
          ilisp-package-name-command "(module-name (current-module))"
          ilisp-eval-command "(ilisp-eval \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" %d)" 
          ilisp-directory-command "(getcwd)"
          ilisp-set-directory-command "(chdir \"%s\")"
          ilisp-complete-command "(ilisp-matching-symbols \"%s\" \"%s\" '%s '%s '%s)"
          ilisp-documentation-command "(ilisp-help '%s \"%s\")"
          ilisp-print-info-message-command "(ilisp-print-info-message '%s \"%s\")"
          ilisp-arglist-command "(ilisp-arglist '%s \"%s\")"
	  ilisp-describe-command "(ilisp-describe '%s \"%s\")"
	  ilisp-find-source-command "(ilisp-source-file \"%s\" \"%s\")"
          ilisp-macroexpand-command "(ilisp-macroexpand \"%s\" \"%s\")"
          ilisp-macroexpand-1-command "(ilisp-macroexpand-1 \"%s\" \"%s\")"
          ilisp-trace-command "(ilisp-trace '%s \"%s\" 'nil)"
          ilisp-untrace-command "(ilisp-untrace '%s \"%s\")"))

(unless guile-program (setq guile-program "guile"))

;;; Mixins

;;; mixins is a stab at providing a new concept for ILISP. Mixins is a
;;; sort of hook allowing specification of thing which behaves like a
;;; dialect without being tied to any specific such. The SLIB library is
;;; an example of a candidate for a mixin specification.

(defun ilisp-slib-mixin ()
  "Set up ilisp for Slib.
Many ilisp features also supplies package specifications. Rather than ignoring
these alltogether, I will define it to the variable `*ilisp-package*'."
   ;;Can't easily use the non-macro version of tracing.
   "(begin (require 'trace) (trace %s) (define *ilisp-package* %s))"

   "(begin (require 'trace) (untrace %s) (define *ilisp-package* %s))"

;;; end of file -- ilisp-sch.el --