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metche - reducing root bus factor
homepage :

| Copyright (C) 2004-2005 collective - property is theft !

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.


metche is a tool meant to facilitate collective sysadmin ; basically, it
periodically :
   - saves the "system state" to $BACKUP_DIR, i.e. :
      . $WATCHED_DIR (default: /etc)
      . $CHANGELOG_DIR/*/Changelog (default: /root/changelogs/*/Changelog)
      . Debian packages states and versions (using apt-show-versions)
   - sends you, in a nicely formated email, the "system state" changes ; see for an example.


When installed and configured, metche is run by cron, and you just have to read
the report emails. Of course, it's not useful at all if you don't :
   - set $EMAIL_ADDRESS config variable to your sysadmin collective mailing-list
     address ;
   - use the Changelog files in a rigorous way.

Note: it is dangerous to use metche without before reading the SECURITY section
of the manpage.

For a deeper explanation of the way metche works, read the metche(8) manpage.


1. Debian GNU/Linux and apt-show-versions (if Debian packages monitoring is
2. mutt
3. bzip2
4. If you want metche to encrypt the email it sends you : gnupg
5. If you want metche to monitor your vservers as well : util-vserver tools
6. If you want metche to monitor your Changelog files, at least one Changelog
   file must be located in $CHANGELOG_DIR/*/Changelog ; for example, you
   can have :


See the included INSTALL file.


*** Without vservers support

1. Copy metche.conf.default to /etc/metche.conf and edit it so that it suits
   your needs.
2. Read the next sections of this document and the metche(8) manpage.
3. Add to /etc/cron.d/metche something like :
     0-59/5 * * * * root test -x /usr/local/sbin/metche && \
      /usr/local/sbin/metche cron

*** With vservers support

You need one config file per system to be monitored (usually one for the host
system, and one per vserver). The "-h <host>" command-line option makes metche
use /etc/metche/<host>.conf config file instead of /etc/metche.conf.

1. mkdir /etc/metche
2. For each system to monitor, follow the next steps (replacing <host> by this
   host's name) :
     - copy metche.conf.default to /etc/metche/<host>.conf
     - edit <host>.conf so that it suits your needs
     - if the system to monitor is a vserver, edit <host>.conf to set
       VSERVER_EXEC_PREFIX to something like "/usr/sbin/vserver <host> exec"
3. Read the next sections of this document and the metche(8) manpage.
4. For each system to monitor, add to /etc/cron.d/metche something like :
     0-59/5 * * * * root test -x /usr/local/sbin/metche && \
       /usr/local/sbin/metche -h <host> cron


Read the SECURITY section of metche(8). Really.


1. How are the monitored Changelog files ($CHANGELOG_DIR/*/Changelog)
   generated ?

   With Emacs or Vim. Ah ah. They are written by *you* ! They are an important
   part of the collective sysadmin process metche is supposed to facilitate.

2. Hey, how is metche working, and what are the underlying concepts I have to
   know ?

   When called with the "cron" command line switch, metche looks if the "system
   state" has changed in the last $TESTING_TIME minutes. If it is the case, a
   "unstable state" is saved. Otherwise, a "testing state" is saved, and a
   report is emailed to you.

   A similar mechanism to automatically turn a "testing state" into a "stable"
   one ; see metche(8) for the algorithm.

3. How do I see the saved states list ?

   Run "metche [-h <host>] list".
   If '-h <host>' option is specified, /etc/metche/<host>.conf will be used.

4. I've broken my system, how can I see a report against a previous, known
   working, system state ?

   Run "metche [-h <host>] report [{stable,testing,unstable}-YYYYMMDDHHMM]".
   If no saved state is specified, the latest "testing state" is used as
   If '-h <host>' option is specified, /etc/metche/<host>.conf will be used.

5. How do I create a "stable state" by hand ?

   Run "metche [-h <host>] stabilize [testing-YYYYMMDDHHMM]".
   This turns the given testing state, if specified, or the latest one,
   otherwise, into a "stable state".

Commit History @830796bce733dc4a221b70402dcc86e381f66c27