Codebase list octave-iso2mesh / 61edd908-e5f8-478e-9896-11b1887af4a0/main loadubjson.m

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loadubjson.m @61edd908-e5f8-478e-9896-11b1887af4a0/mainraw · history · blame

function varargout = loadubjson(varargin)
% data=loadubjson(fname,opt)
%    or
% data=loadubjson(fname,'param1',value1,'param2',value2,...)
% Parse a UBJSON file or string and store the output into a MATLAB variable
% author: Qianqian Fang (q.fang <at>
% initially created on 2019/06/08
% This function is an alias to loadbj
% input:
%      fname: input file name, if fname contains "{}" or "[]", fname
%             will be interpreted as a UBJSON string
%      opt: a struct to store parsing options, opt can be replaced by 
%           a list of ('param',value) pairs - the param string is equivallent
%           to a field in opt. The supported options can be found by typing
%           "help loadbj".
% output:
%      data: a cell array, where {...} blocks are converted into cell arrays,
%           and [...] are converted to arrays
% examples:
%      obj=struct('string','value','array',[1 2 3]);
%      ubjdata=saveubjson('obj',obj);
%      dat=loadubjson(ubjdata)
%      dat=loadubjson(['examples' filesep 'example1.ubj'])
%      dat=loadubjson(['examples' filesep 'example1.ubj'],'SimplifyCell',0)
% license:
%     BSD or GPL version 3, see LICENSE_{BSD,GPLv3}.txt files for details 
% -- this function is part of JSONLab toolbox (
