Codebase list octave-iso2mesh / debian/1.9.6+ds-2 meshinterp.m

Tree @debian/1.9.6+ds-2 (Download .tar.gz)

meshinterp.m @debian/1.9.6+ds-2raw · history · blame

function newval=meshinterp(fromval,elemid,elembary,fromelem)
% newval=meshinterp(fromval,elemid,elembary,fromelem)
% Interpolate nodal values from the source mesh to the target mesh based on
% a linear interpolation
% author: Qianqian Fang (q.fang at
% input:
%	 fromval: values defined at the source mesh nodes, the row or column
%	          number must be the same as the source mesh node number, which
%	          is the same as the elemid length
%	 elemid: the IDs of the source mesh element that encloses the nodes of
%            the target mesh nodes; a vector of length of target mesh node
%            count; elemid and elembary can be generated by calling
%           [elemid,elembary]=tsearchn(node_src, elem_src, node_target);
%           note that the mapping here is inverse to that in meshremap()
%	 elembary: the bary-centric coordinates of each target mesh nodes
%	         within the source mesh elements, sum of each row is 1, expect
%	         3 or 4 columns (or can be N-D)
%    fromelem: the element list of the source mesh
% output:
%	 newval: a 2D array with rows equal to the target mesh nodes (nodeto), 
%            and columns equals to the value numbers defined at each source
%            mesh node
% example:
%    [n1,f1,e1]=meshabox([0 0 0],[10 20 5],1); % target mesh
%    [n2,f2,e2]=meshabox([0 0 0],[10 20 5],2); % src mesh
%    [id, ww]=tsearchn(n2,e2,n1);              % project target to src mesh
%    value_src=n2(:,[2 1 3]);             % create dummy values at src mesh
%    newval=meshinterp(value_src,id, ww, e2);
% -- this function is part of iso2mesh toolbox (



tmp=cellfun(@(x) sum(elembary(idx,:).*x,2), num2cell(allval,[1 2]),'UniformOutput',false);