Codebase list widelands / 00812316-eee3-4513-b94e-1c0d5505b31c/main

Tree @00812316-eee3-4513-b94e-1c0d5505b31c/main (Download .tar.gz)

# Widelands [![Build Status Travis-CI](]( [![Build Status AppVeyor](]( ![Code Quality]( [![Mirrored on Launchpad](](
Widelands is a free, open source real-time strategy game with singleplayer campaigns and a multiplayer mode.
The game was inspired by Settlers II™ (© Bluebyte) but has significantly more variety and depth to it.

![Widelands Screenshot](

## License [![License](](LICENCE)

GPL v2+. Some assets are released under various Creative Commons licenses – see the respective folders.

## Download

On how to download Widelands, see

## Compiling

We support compiling Widelands for Linux, Windows under MSys2, and MacOs with GCC >= 4.8 or Clang/LLVM >= 3.4, though it might work with other compilers too. We have more detailed documentation available at:

### Dependencies

You will need to install the following dependencies:

*  [libSDL]( >=2.0
*  [libSDL_image]( 
*  [libSDL_mixer]( >= 2.0
*  [libSDL_ttf]( >= 2.0
*  [gettext]( 
* libiconv (on same mirrors as gettext)
*  [zlib]( 
*  [libpng]( 
*  [Boost]( >= 1.48
*  [Python]( >= 1.5.2
*  [libglew]( or [glbinding](

### Compiling with our convenience script

You can then compile by running our convenience script.

| Command | Purpose |
| --- | --- |
| `./` | Full debug build |
| `./ -r -w` | Release build |
| `./ -h` | List available options |

When compiling has finished, you can call Widelands with


### Compiling with CMake

You can also call CMake manually:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

When compiling has finished, you can call Widelands with

cd ..
mv build/src/widelands .

We have various CMake options available. For example, to create a release build, call

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

For using the Ninja build system, call

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G Ninja ..

Depending on the Ninja installation, the last line can also be `ninja-build`.

#### CMake options

Note that CMake options are prefixed with `-D`. These are the available options:

| Name | Values | Default| Function
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` | `Debug`/`Release` | `Debug` | Create a release or debug build |
| `OPTION_ASAN` | `ON`/`OFF` | `ON` for Debug builds /`OFF` for Release builds | Use AddressSanitizer. Switching this off only works once. You will have to clear the `build` directory if you want to switch this off again in a later build. |
| `OPTION_BUILD_TRANSLATIONS` | `ON`/`OFF` | `ON` | Build translations |
| `OPTION_BUILD_CODECHECK` | `ON`/`OFF` | `ON` | Build codecheck. Only available in Debug builds. |
| `OPTION_BUILD_WEBSITE_TOOLS` | `ON`/`OFF` | `ON` | Build website-related tools |
| `OPTION_BUILD_TESTS` | `ON`/`OFF` | `ON` | Build Boost tests |
| `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` | A directory | See [CMake documentation]( | Define the target directory for the "install" target, e.g. `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/widelands-install`. |
| `WL_VERSION` | A version string | Autodetected from git/bzr, or set by adding a `VERSION` file | Define the Widelands version |
| `USE_XDG` | `ON`/`OFF` | `ON` | Follow XDG-Basedir specification. Only available on Linux. |
| `OPTION_USE_GLBINDING` | `ON`/`OFF` | `OFF` | Use glbinding instead of GLEW |
| `OPTION_GLEW_STATIC` | `ON`/`OFF` | `OFF` | Use static GLEW Library |

#### make/ninja targets

You can add targets to the `make` or `ninja` command, e.g. `make lang` to build only the translations. These are the available targets:

| Name | Function |
| --- | --- |
| `ALL` or no target | Compile everything, up to executable with the settings from the `cmake` call |
| `codecheck` | Run the codechecks (currently broken) |
| `doc` | Generate Doxygen documentation. Currently only with Build Type Debug, but this is easily changed if necessary. |
| `install` | Install into the target dir, this is `/usr/local` per default (you need root privileges!) unless you change it (see CMake options above) |
| `lang` | Generate the translations |

## Contributing

We have some instructions on how to use Git to help you if you're new to GitHub:

### Code

The master branch and open pull requests will be formatted automatically by a GitHub action that runs `clang-format`. When you push to an open pull request, the formatting changes will be pushed back to the branch after about four minutes. Don't forget to run 'git pull' before you push again. Formatting is only triggered the first time you push *after* you opened the PR.

You need to enable *local and third-party actions* in the Actions tab of your fork's settings to enable automatic formatting. If you disable actions, no formatting will take place on your branches.

We follow the [Google Styleguide](

### Scenarios

For scripting scenarios, see

### Art

For contributing art, see

### Translations

For contributing translations, see

### Testing

For helping with testing, see

### Triaging Issues

For helping with issue management, see

## Directory Structure

| Directory | Contents |
| --- | --- |
| cmake | Build system and codecheck rules |
| data | The game's data files. Images, sounds, music, scripting, maps, campaigns, tribes, ... |
| debian | Packaging for Debian-based Linux distributions |
| doc | Sphinx [documentation]( |
| po | Translation files |
| [src]( | C++ source code |
| test | Scripted maps for our regression test suite |
| utils | Diverse utilities: Building translations, code formatting, packaging Mac & Windows, ... |

## Obtaining Travis and AppVeyor builds

Travis and AppVeyor builds are triggered for all pull requests and for new pushes to the `master` branch. If you want to get a build without making a pull request, temporarily add the name of your branch to the `branches` section in `.travis.yml`/`appveyor.yml`. This will not work if the branch is in a fork though.

Commit History @00812316-eee3-4513-b94e-1c0d5505b31c/main