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<span class="Comment">/*</span><span class="Comment">*************************************************************************\</span>

<span class="Comment">MODULE: ZZ_limbs</span>

<span class="Comment">SUMMARY:</span>

<span class="Comment">Defines low-level access to the &quot;limbs&quot; of a ZZ.</span>

<span class="Comment">\*************************************************************************</span><span class="Comment">*/</span>

<span class="PreProc">#include </span><span class="String">&lt;NTL/ZZ.h&gt;</span>

<span class="PreProc">#ifdef NTL_GMP_LIP</span>
<span class="PreProc">#include </span><span class="String">&lt;gmp.h&gt;</span>
<span class="PreProc">#endif</span>
<span class="Comment">// NOTE: unlike other NTL header files, this one needs access</span>
<span class="Comment">// to GMP's header file, which means that C++ files that include</span>
<span class="Comment">// this file will need to ensure that the compiler has the </span>
<span class="Comment">// right &quot;include path&quot; to get at GMP's header file.</span>

<span class="Type">typedef</span> ... ZZ_limb_t;
<span class="Comment">// The type of a limb. </span>
<span class="Comment">// With GMP, this is mp_limb_t, wich is usually (but not always) </span>
<span class="Comment">// typedef'd to unsigned long.</span>
<span class="Comment">// Without GMP, this is unisigned long (although that is subject to change).</span>
<span class="Comment">// In any case, all that one should assume is that this is an </span>
<span class="Comment">// unisgned integral type.</span>

<span class="PreProc">#define NTL_BITS_PER_LIMB_T (...)</span>
<span class="Comment">// Integral constant defining the number of bits of ZZ_limb_t.</span>

<span class="Type">const</span> ZZ_limb_t * ZZ_limbs_get(<span class="Type">const</span> ZZ&amp; a);
<span class="Comment">// Get a pointer to the limbs of a (possibly null).</span>
<span class="Comment">// The number of limbs can be obtained by invoking a.size().</span>

<span class="Type">void</span> ZZ_limbs_set(ZZ&amp; x, <span class="Type">const</span> ZZ_limb_t *p, <span class="Type">long</span> n);
<span class="Comment">// Sets the limbs of x to p[0..n-1].</span>
<span class="Comment">// An error is raised on n &lt; 0 or p == NULL and n &gt; 0.</span>
<span class="Comment">// It will work correctly even if p points to a limb of x</span>
<span class="Comment">// itself.</span>

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