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A Tour of NTL: Tips for Getting the Best Performance out of NTL 

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<p align=center>
A Tour of NTL: Tips for Getting the Best Performance out of NTL

<p> <hr> <p>


Make sure you run the configuration wizard when you install NTL.
This is the default behaviour in the makefile
in the Unix distribution, so don't change this;
in the Windows distribution, there is unfortunately no 
easy way to run the wizard.

In time-critical code, avoid creating unnecessary temporary
For example, instead of
ZZ InnerProduct(const ZZ *a, const ZZ *b, long n)
   long i;
   ZZ res;
   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      res += a[i] * b[i];
   return res;
<!-- STARTPRETTY {{{ -->
<p><p><table cellPadding=10px><tr><td><font color="#000000">
<font face="monospace">
ZZ InnerProduct(<font color="#008b00"><b>const</b></font>&nbsp;ZZ *a,&nbsp;<font color="#008b00"><b>const</b></font>&nbsp;ZZ *b,&nbsp;<font color="#008b00"><b>long</b></font>&nbsp;n)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#008b00"><b>long</b></font>&nbsp;i;<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; ZZ res;<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#b03060"><b>for</b></font>&nbsp;(i =&nbsp;<font color="#ff8c00">0</font>; i &lt; n; i++)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;res += a[i] * b[i];<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#b03060"><b>return</b></font>&nbsp;res;<br>
<!-- }}} ENDPRETTY -->

write this as
ZZ InnerProduct(const ZZ *a, const ZZ *b, long n)
   long i;
   ZZ res, t;
   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      mul(t, a[i], b[i]);
      add(res, res, t);
   return res;
<!-- STARTPRETTY {{{ -->
<p><p><table cellPadding=10px><tr><td><font color="#000000">
<font face="monospace">
ZZ InnerProduct(<font color="#008b00"><b>const</b></font>&nbsp;ZZ *a,&nbsp;<font color="#008b00"><b>const</b></font>&nbsp;ZZ *b,&nbsp;<font color="#008b00"><b>long</b></font>&nbsp;n)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#008b00"><b>long</b></font>&nbsp;i;<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; ZZ res, t;<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#b03060"><b>for</b></font>&nbsp;(i =&nbsp;<font color="#ff8c00">0</font>; i &lt; n; i++) {<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;mul(t, a[i], b[i]);<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;add(res, res, t);<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; }<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#b03060"><b>return</b></font>&nbsp;res;<br>
<!-- }}} ENDPRETTY -->

The first version of <tt>InnerProduct</tt>
creates and destroys a temporary object, holding the value
<tt>a[i]*b[i]</tt>, in every loop iteration.
The second does not.

If you use the class <tt>ZZ_p</tt>, try to avoid switching the modulus
too often, as this can be a rather expensive operation.
If you <i>must</i> switch the modulus often,
use the class <tt>ZZ_pContext</tt> to save the information
associated with the modulus (see <a href="ZZ_p.cpp.html">ZZ_p.txt</a>). 
The same holds for analogous classes, such as <tt>zz_p</tt> 
and <tt>GF2E</tt>.



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