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<center><b><big><big>adolc Speed: Sparse Jacobian</big></big></b></center>
<b><big><a name="Specifications" id="Specifications">Specifications</a></big></b>
See <a href="link_sparse_jacobian.xml" target="_top"><span style='white-space: nowrap'>link_sparse_jacobian</span></a>

<b><big><a name="Implementation" id="Implementation">Implementation</a></big></b>

<code><font color='blue'><pre style='display:inline'> 
# include &lt;adolc/adolc.h&gt;
# include &lt;adolc/adolc_sparse.h&gt;
# include &lt;cppad/vector.hpp&gt;
# include &lt;cppad/speed/uniform_01.hpp&gt;
# include &lt;cppad/speed/sparse_jac_fun.hpp&gt;

// list of possible options
extern bool global_memory, global_onetape, global_atomic, global_optimize;
extern bool global_colpack, global_boolsparsity;

bool link_sparse_jacobian(
	size_t                           size     , 
	size_t                           repeat   , 
	size_t                           m        ,
	const CppAD::vector&lt;size_t&gt;&amp;     row      ,
	const CppAD::vector&lt;size_t&gt;&amp;     col      ,
	      CppAD::vector&lt;double&gt;&amp;     x_return ,
	      CppAD::vector&lt;double&gt;&amp;     jacobian ,
	      size_t&amp;                    n_sweep  )
	if( global_atomic || (! global_colpack) )
		return false; 
	if( global_memory || global_optimize )
		return false; 
	// -----------------------------------------------------
	// setup
	typedef unsigned int*    SizeVector;
	typedef double*          DblVector;
	typedef adouble          ADScalar;
	typedef ADScalar*        ADVector;

	size_t i, j;                // temporary indices
	size_t n = size;            // number of independent variables
	size_t order = 0;          // derivative order corresponding to function

	// set up for thread_alloc memory allocator (fast and checks for leaks)
	using CppAD::thread_alloc; // the allocator
	size_t capacity;           // capacity of an allocation

	// tape identifier
	int tag  = 0;
	// AD domain space vector
	ADVector a_x = thread_alloc::create_array&lt;ADScalar&gt;(n, capacity);
	// AD range space vector
	ADVector a_y = thread_alloc::create_array&lt;ADScalar&gt;(m, capacity);
	// argument value in double
	DblVector x = thread_alloc::create_array&lt;double&gt;(n, capacity);
	// function value in double
	DblVector y = thread_alloc::create_array&lt;double&gt;(m, capacity);

	// options that control sparse_jac
	int        options[4];
	extern bool global_boolsparsity;
	if( global_boolsparsity )
		options[0] = 1;  // sparsity by propagation of bit pattern
		options[0] = 0;  // sparsity pattern by index domains
	options[1] = 0; // (0 = safe mode, 1 = tight mode)
	options[2] = 0; // see changing to -1 and back to 0 below
	options[3] = 0; // (0 = column compression, 1 = row compression)

	// structure that holds some of the work done by sparse_jac
	int        nnz;                   // number of non-zero values
	SizeVector rind   = CPPAD_NULL;   // row indices
	SizeVector cind   = CPPAD_NULL;   // column indices
	DblVector  values = CPPAD_NULL;   // Jacobian values

	// initialize all entries as zero
	for(i = 0; i &lt; m; i++)
	{	for(j = 0; j &lt; n; j++)
			jacobian[ i * n + j ] = 0.;

	// choose a value for x
	CppAD::uniform_01(n, x);

	// declare independent variables
	int keep = 0; // keep forward mode results 
	trace_on(tag, keep);
	for(j = 0; j &lt; n; j++)
		a_x[j] &lt;&lt;= x[j];

	// AD computation of f (x) 
	CppAD::sparse_jac_fun&lt;ADScalar&gt;(m, n, a_x, row, col, order, a_y);

	// create function object f : x -&gt; y
	for(i = 0; i &lt; m; i++)
		a_y[i] &gt;&gt;= y[i];

	// Retrieve n_sweep using undocumented feature of sparsedrivers.cpp
	int same_pattern = 0;
	options[2]       = -1;
	n_sweep = sparse_jac(tag, int(m), int(n), 
		same_pattern, x, &amp;nnz, &amp;rind, &amp;cind, &amp;values, options
	options[2]       = 0;
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	if( ! global_onetape ) while(repeat--)
	{	// choose a value for x
		CppAD::uniform_01(n, x);

		// declare independent variables
		trace_on(tag, keep);
		for(j = 0; j &lt; n; j++)
			a_x[j] &lt;&lt;= x[j];

		// AD computation of f (x) 
		CppAD::sparse_jac_fun&lt;ADScalar&gt;(m, n, a_x, row, col, order, a_y);

		// create function object f : x -&gt; y 
		for(i = 0; i &lt; m; i++)
			a_y[i] &gt;&gt;= y[i];

		// is this a repeat call with the same sparsity pattern
		same_pattern = 0;

		// calculate the jacobian at this x
		rind   = CPPAD_NULL;
		cind   = CPPAD_NULL;
		values = CPPAD_NULL;
		sparse_jac(tag, int(m), int(n), 
			same_pattern, x, &amp;nnz, &amp;rind, &amp;cind, &amp;values, options
		int int_n = int(n);
		for(int k = 0; k &lt; nnz; k++)
			jacobian[ rind[k] * int_n + cind[k] ] = values[k];

		// free raw memory allocated by sparse_jac
	{	while(repeat--)
		{	// choose a value for x
			CppAD::uniform_01(n, x);

			// calculate the jacobian at this x
			sparse_jac(tag, int(m), int(n), 
				same_pattern, x, &amp;nnz, &amp;rind, &amp;cind, &amp;values, options
			same_pattern = 1;
		int int_n = int(n);
		for(int k = 0; k &lt; nnz; k++)
			jacobian[ rind[k] * int_n + cind[k] ] = values[k];

		// free raw memory allocated by sparse_jac
	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
	// return argument 
	for(j = 0; j &lt; n; j++)
		x_return[j] = x[j];

	// tear down
	return true;

<hr/>Input File: speed/adolc/sparse_jacobian.cpp
