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<center><b><big><big>Replacing The CppAD Error Handler: Example and Test</big></big></b></center>
<code><font color="blue"><pre style='display:inline'> 

# include &lt;cppad/error_handler.hpp&gt;
# include &lt;cstring&gt;

namespace {
	void myhandler(
		bool known       ,
		int  line        ,
		const char *file ,
		const char *exp  ,
		const char *msg  )
	{	// error handler must not return, so throw an exception
		throw line;

bool ErrorHandler(void)
{	using CppAD::ErrorHandler;

	int lineMinusFive = 0;

	// replace the default CppAD error handler
	ErrorHandler info(myhandler);

	// set ok to false unless catch block is executed
	bool ok = false;

	// use try / catch because handler throws an exception
	try {
		// set the static variable Line to next source code line
		lineMinusFive = __LINE__;
		// can call myhandler anywhere that ErrorHandler is defined
			true     , // reason for the error is known
			__LINE__ , // current source code line number
			__FILE__ , // current source code file name
			&quot;1 &gt; 0&quot;  , // an intentional error condition
			&quot;Testing ErrorHandler&quot;     // reason for error
	catch ( int line )
	{	// check value of the line number that was passed to handler
		ok = (line == lineMinusFive + 5);

	// info drops out of scope and the default CppAD error handler
	// is restored when this routine returns.
	return ok;



<hr/>Input File: example/error_handler.cpp
